This is the first of many "Lost Moments" that will run over the next 12 weeks during the "Day Break" broadcast. I will post them as I find them on YouTube.
Just because the show is going on hiatus for 13 weeks doesn't mean I will abandon my blog. I will be posting info from time to time just like I did over the summer. Please check back often. If you are a MySpace friend, I will try to post a bulletin whenever I add something new.
Here are a few things to watch for when the second part of season three begins on February 7th, 2007:
1. Patchy - our one-eyed friend who showed up on the monitor in the Pearl. 2. The Flame - the next hatch to be discovered. It is rumored to be a nuclear power source for the island. 3. The children - where are they? 4. The Plot bomb - this will change the entire "game." 5. The Character bomb.
Here's an excerpt from this weeks Ask Ausiello in TV Guide: "You guys have been quoted as saying you're going to drop a "bomb" during the second half of the season. Damon: There are two bombs being dropped, one of which is a character bomb, and that will happen within the first three episodes after the break. And the other is a more significant story bomb, a game-changer, as it were, and that will happen shortly after."
"Whatever happens, everything will be very different won't it?"
Finally, a good nail biter to get us to February. I'm not sure if I saw that coming. I thought when Jack saw Monica...tee hee... with Sawyer he had a change of heart and was going to do the operation in order to save her and the man she has chosen to love. I figured he would go with Juliet's advice and make it look like an accident, but we are way beyond that now. So what do you think? Will Ben live or die? Will February 7th open with Kate still on the walkie-talkie telling Jack, "I can't!"
I'm trying to work out exactly where on the timeline Kate's flashbacks happened. I am assuming it was just after she blew up her father and had been on the run for a short while, but before the bank robbery where she goes to get the toy airplane that belonged to Tom (her childhood sweetheart).I could be wrong on this. The Oceanic tickets that Kevin gave to her to finally go on a honeymoon were to Costa Rica. She could have swapped the tickets for Australia. If that was the case, then this flashback would have occurred after the bank robbery. She has also relocated to Miami (note the Miami/Dade police cruiser) to marry Kevin as "Monica." Is Monica a Friends reference? The flashbacks also spanned several months: the night before the wedding, the wedding, and then a little into the marriage...six months to be exact. When Kate calls Agent Mars (remember that guy?), he says it is the Feast of The Ascension. This happens 40 days after Easter. If they are in the year 2004, Easter was on April 11 and the current date is May 21st. That would also mean that they were married in November of 2003. What does this have to do with anything? I don't know.
Nathan Fillion plays the role of Kevin the cop. You may have seen him on Firefly, Buffy, Saving Private Ryan. I think I remember him best from Two Guys, A Girl, And A Pizza Place. Even though Kate says she only "drugged" him, you're not thinking what I'm thinking are you? Black Widow? Naaaaaa. She seemed to want to protect him from the firestorm of an investigation that was about to happen.
"Compound Breached. Compound Breached." Some interesting things were said as Alex bumrushes the worksite. "Did the doctor get out again?" asks Danny Pickett. "How the hell did she get over here?" This is only adding more fuel to the fire of the second group of Others theory. The doctor that he is referring to, is that Alex or someone else... perhaps Patchy? "You know your not supposed to be here." Where are they keeping the other Others? Why are they "locked up?" Alex really seems to know her way around. I guess rightfully so since she has been there since she was a baby. I'm also wondering why both Pickett and Juliet were keeping her away from Ben? I bet Ben saw all of that anyway in his little monitoring station. "They're going to kill your boyfriend just like they killed mine." Carl's dead I take it?
Even though I try to stay away from spoilers, I broke down this afternoon and watched three extended scenes that were posted on YouTube. One was the scene in which Locke goes off with Sayid on a "detour." John seems to be figuring some things out. He is theorizing that it was the smoke or "Monster" that brought flight 815 down. If you've been following along you might remember that there was a little phantom that showed up on the very first episode. Let's review:
I'm not sure if Eko told John to get his stick with his last breath, but that's where Locke and Sayid went. I found it somewhat humorous when someone asked about taking Eko back to the camp and John said that they would bury him right there, a comment that made Desmond say, "Are we?" Desmond can see into the future. He probably knows everyone's fate now. It's not a gift that he asked for and he doesn't seem to want to share it. Perhaps it is tormenting him.
It is at Eko's funeral that Locke gets a message. And we have seen the message before back in "Further Instructions" written on Eko's stick. I'm not sure exactly what it means. I can speculate that Locke's gonna take it to mean head for the mountains. Once there, he will see the other island. I take back my statement about it being hidden. Oh yeah, "it" by the way is the Hydra. Look that up on lostpedia. I was also reviewing the first episode of this season and it looks like their community IS on the same island as the crash, and they have just taken Jack, Kate, and Sawyer to the Hydra on the other island.
My wife is thoroughly disgusted that Kate hooked up with Sawyer and is probably dry heaving again looking at this pic:
A little earlier based on the look on her face, you would think that Kate loves Jack. "I'll give you two some privacy." How about a freakin' glory hole?!?
It's getting late and my brain is sort of mushy... can you tell? Let me try to wrap this up. Only a few more things.
Who is Jacob? Did I miss something. He was the one who made the list and Jack wasn't "on the list" according to Pickett. That would mean that only Kate and Sawyer were on the list, right? And why? The only list I have seen was this one from last season's "Three Minutes."
One last thing. Here's a screen capture of the phone booth. I haven't had a chance to look it up yet, but I'm wondering if it will fall under the Hanso umbrella like Widemore Labs, etc.
Ok I lied. One more. The story that Jack tells Kate in the very first episode was about a spinal surgery that he almost botched while in his residency. He said he was just going to let the fear in, but for only five seconds. After he counted to five, the fear was gone. He sewed up the girl and she was fine.
Fear turns to Hope when the series returns on February 7, 2007. "See you on the other side."
Thanks to Susan and Leslie for picking up on this. I went back to "The Other 48 Days" on the season two dvd and there it was. You can even here it hit the floor and roll. I think I was so focused on the bible that Eko was holding and the radio that Bernard found that the glass eye didn't even phase me. Here's the pic of Libby holding the eye:
Reading through the Lostpedia entry on the glass eye, the most likely candidate to be the owner of the eye is our new friend "Patchy."
I have a strange feeling that Patchy will become and important character later in this series. He may even be the leader of the other "Others." I have said before that I believe that there are two sets of Others. Every good experiment has the main group and then a control group. Jorge "Hurley" Garcia was on with Steve & Vikki and he even has his own "two different groups of Others" theory.
Lost: "The Cost of Living" Airdate - November 1, 2006
Sorry!!!! I know I'm late on this. Thanks for all of the e-mail. As much as I love this show, I'm kind of glad that it is going to go on hiatus. I have so much going on over the holidays that I don't think I would be able to keep up with it. Let's jump right in:
Rest In Peace Monsieur Eko. I have to make a "confession" of my own. Last season I thought that it was probably that moment at the airport when Yemi was shot and Eko assumes the identity of a priest that he finally gives his life to God and begins to walk a path of righteousness. I was wrong. It turns out that he remained a bad mofo. A wolf in sheeps clothing. We still don't know what happened if and when he went to London to study in his brothers place... and we may never know now. Even as he stood at the gates (of hell?), being judged by "death," Eko still would not confess because he felt that everything he had done in his life was justified because he did it to survive. We'll get more into that in a second as well as try to dissect the smoke monster. Hang on, let's backtrack a bit... but first, doesn't Amina remind you of Miss Klugh?
Maybe it's just me. I wonder if there might be a connection brewing? "CALL ME NOW!!!" Oh wait... I'm think of Miss Cleo...Cleo...nevermind.
In one flashback scene, Amina does tell Eko that he is just like his Yemi and that he is a good man too. Little does she know... Eko was going to sell the vaccine to get cash before he left the country. What a bastard. It could have been a rouse on Eko's part to draw out the other men who controlled the vaccine. In that case, I take back the bastard comment.
Something tells me they are not playing "I Love The Night Life" at this Disco Bar.
Break out the Kool-aid, it looks like Jack is joining the cult. Nice shirt. I'm not sure what is more obscure, Colleens funeral (which seems to fit the description of a Sikh ceremony) or Atlanta native Brenda Lee's "I Wonder" playing on the loud speaker. Little Miss Dynamite is still alive btw. Most of the music featured last season came posthumously and several of the artists featured were killed in plane crashes. She does have a one degree connection to Patsy Cline so I guess that counts. Who hit the play button to start the song on the loud speaker? Was it the one eyed pirate in the other hatch (we'll get to him in a second...arrrr)? I have many other Tripp questions such as when did Sayid get back? He was just there... kind of like the new characters, Niki & Paulo. I'm not sure I like them. I wonder what their purpose is going to be? I was hoping to get a little action adventure side story of Sayid, Sun & Jin's trip back to the beach camp. I guess not.
Yes, I'll take a pineapple banana smoothie with a protein boost please. Locke is feeling a bit more secure with himself these days: "It's a free island." "I'm not Jack" "Don't mistake coincidence for fate."
Why is it that I just don't trust Juliet? Ben even gets inside Jack's head with the 'ol "has it not occurred to you that Juliet bears a striking resemblance to your ex-wife?" I guess if you were trying to break someone, you would want to gain their trust by using someone they feel comfortable around. She appears to be Ben's polar opposite... as far as her bedside manner goes. It could have been that way at first, but maybe Juliet took it too far and is falling for Jack... or maybe she is just trying to make Ben jealous. Sawyer doesn't trust her. He even makes a comment about her a few episodes ago.
"I want you to WANT to save my life." Great! Now I have that damn Cheap Trick song stuck in my head. So if Jack wants to save Ben's life, he becomes "invested"... I guess that means he becomes one of them because he falls in love with Juliet and then he would be operating on Ben because he "chose" to. That sort of leads us back to the discussion on free will...or lack there off as it seems under the reign of Ben. Perhaps that is why Juliet wants jack to kill him and make it look like an accident. Ben does say that they are beyond the whole "want you to Want to" a little later on in that same scene and then he starts a discussion on believing in GOD -"Two days after I found out I have a fatal tumor on my spine, a spinal surgeon fell out of the sky. And if that's not proof of GOD, I don't know what is." I think I have been flip-flopping on whether or not the Others are religious people. Some of the things that have been said lead me to believe that they are not, and then Ben goes and says something like that. Damn! (*erasing some theories I had jotted down a while back*).
So who be the pirate, me hearties? Arrrrrrrrrrggggg. Well, the first time you see this guy with the eye patch, I guess you could assume pirate. However, if you look closer you can see the top part of the Dharma logo on his jump suit. Who could it be? Kelvin? Is that guy still alive? I thought Desmond put him out of his misery. What's to say that it's not a video loop of some sort? Psychological trickery. Or maybe he is the guy who is controlling the smoke... that is if the smoke is not in fact death.
Juliet's big re-enactment of the 1987 INXS video "Mediate" was interesting. I'm not sure there are any plot connections between the show and "To Kill A Mockingbird" though. I think this is where my distrust of Juliet came from. She seems intent on gaining control and sees the operation as an opportunity to get that control. With Ben out of the way, she could finally go home... if that is her intention. Of course this could all be a test. But why go to all the trouble?
We learn in the final flashback that the reason Eko was building a church at the end of last season was because he owed Yemi one. He was at least trying to make his peace with GOD and his brother, but in the end, realized that he only did what he did in his life to survive. And that brings us to Yemi and the smoke monster.
"You speak to me as if I were your brother." Who the hell was he, it, whatever? Was it the smoke in the form of Yemi? Is the smoke death or even God? Or is the smoke something mechanical. As I watched Eko versus the smoke a few times, I noticed a very distinctive mechanical crank sound. It was the same sound from season one when the pilot is pulled out of the cockpit, and there was another time that I heard that sound but the episode eludes me.
So what does Eko really tell Locke at the end? That's what I want to know. Locke tells Sayid he says that Eko says, "We're next." I have a feeling that was just Locke trying to scare everyone back to the beach camp. I listened to the Eko whisper several times and I swear he says something about "a secret." But I can't make out any of the other words. The promo for next weeks epi hints that Locke does head off on some sort of goose chase... or could it be a smoke out?
Did I hit on everything? I hope so. Sorry for the delay. I'll be a bit more "in the game" this Wednesday. "I Do" is being billed as the Fall Season finale. Does that mean they will make us by two different DVD sets next fall?
I'll leave you with the promo for Wednesday's Fall Season Finale: