Thursday, May 10, 2007

Lost: "The Man Behind The Curtain" Airdate: May 9, 2007

I am officially out of time. There are no more hours left in my day. I did manage to find a few minutes to log on. Last night's episode was incredible. My wife was saying she wished all of the episodes could be that fast paced. I'm going to keep things short, probably just an outline of questions and comments.

1. Do you really think Locke is dead? At this point it is implied that he's a gonner, but Ben did say, "I certainly hope he [Jacob] helps you, John."

2. That leads me to another question: who? what?...uh... what the hell was "Jacob?" Is there a "real" spiritual entity there? Or, as Locke implies, is it all a creation of Ben to keep the Others in fear of him. It seems to me that he would have had a lot of time to perfect the charade. I can see him going outside the Dharma fence many times during his child hood. Also, could Jacob be the "smoke monster?" Update: if you pause this scene when Ben gets thrown against the wall and the camera pans back over, you can see a man sitting in the chair... I know it's totally sad that I am describing this... So, is Jacob a product of some sort of experiment gone bad? Is he stuck between deminsions? He did want Locke to "help" him. Help him what? Escape his prison?

3. Ben is not really "born on the island" as he has stated before (unless that is some sort of metaphore). He is born pre-mature to Roger and Emily Linus while they are on a hike 32 miles outside of Portland.

4. Roger Linus, or as Hurley refers to him: Roger Workman...dude, is the dead man that he found in the VW bus a while back. George is an ass. He gets the Alec Baldwin award for the week. He blames Ben for killing his wife at child birth and we only saw a little of what was most likely a life time of verbal abuse and neglect. Apparently it was enough to drive Ben crazy... crazy enough to pull a Jonestown with the Hostiles.

5. The Hostiles: the original inhabitants of the island. Not much is know about exactly where they came from, but it is obvious that they don't like the fact that the Dharma Initiative is there on "their" island. In fact the Hostiles are just that...hostile. When little Ben meets the "I-Haven't-Aged-At-All" Richard outside the sonic fence, he asks Ben if he even know what hostile means. There was also something said about the fact that Dharma came to the island seeking harmony and they could not co-exist with the islands original inhabitants.

6. Speaking of Richard Alpert: We now know he was one of the original inhabitants of the island. The BIG question: why hasn't he aged? About 30 years have passed and he has not aged a day. Only his hair has changed. We can also safely assume that he and Ben had Ben secretly working on the plan for The Purge for many years.

7. Annie: she is the little girl who befriends Ben when he first comes to the island. They seem to share a special bond. She also remembers Ben's birthday and gives him a box which contains two dolls fashioned after themselves. She takes the "Ben" doll and he takes the "Annie" doll. She says now "they never have to be apart." There has got to be more to this story. I am wondering if something happens to her. There was no camera closeup of a grown-up Annie dead at the Purge. I am wondering if she is taken away, or dies early on, and this is just one more thing to push Ben over the edge.

*** More To Come ***


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Annie - I wonder if she and Ben fell inlove and she was one of the women who died during pregnancy.


12:11 PM  
Blogger Aaron said...

Hi there! Long time no comment. You know how it is when a baby enters your world...

Anyway, here are my comments for today:

First of all, both Turner and I needed new diapers last night because Ben's mom scared the shit out of me! Who does she think she is popping in the window like that? Damn, woman! You got to give us some WARNING!

Now that episode where Hurley starts the van doesn't seem so pointless, does it.... Did you AUTOMATICALLY think of that episode the SECOND we heard/saw the name "Roger"?

"HELP ME"....dude, way too creepy. Is it Locke that just can't see him? Is Ben really nutso?

Richard....does that guy ever age? He's the Dick Clark of the Dharma Initiative.

What was that stuff that Locke picked up before they got to "Jacob's" cabin? My guess is gun case of emergency, torch the place.

I don't think Locke will die now that he's been shot. Although, stranger things have happened. Who knew Anna Lucia was going to eat it? Perhaps the "black smoke" will save John.

Next week will definitley be a giant SMACK DOWN. I can't wait to see Tom get his belly slapped by Sawyer.

That's all I've got for now. Until next week....SMACK DOWN!!!

1:28 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

My brother, "the condensed version", now that he's a daddy, he he he.
Anyway, Lost rocked last night,
It did seem like Jack was in on Juliet's little plan all along when they came back to the beach. She's pretending to Ben to be his mole, then she's siding with the Losties, whatever, I'm sure we'll find out more next week.

Jacob Locke and Ben, What a freaking surprise, I thought at First it was a scam like Ben just pretending to "answer" to this imaginary Jacob, then all that shit started happening. WoW

I think maybe because Ben saw his Mom, and told Richard about it, and he went back to tell his other "hostile" people, Maybe they are waiting on the "island" for some mysterious "savior", and because Ben saw his mom, maybe Richard and his pals think Ben is SPECIAL>>> they keep using that word, like Ben is the something special. Then Ben being the smart one, realizing he has NO special powers, "creates" Jacob, to satisfy the masses of Richard's people, then the fertility thing becomes something for "Ben" to solve, like Richard said "a distraction". (maybe Richard's original group is starting to think that Locke is the new special one)
OH my, I'm getting confused.
Anyway, you get the point right?
Til next week
Leslie (Aaron's cooler sister)
Roger Linus = Uncle Rico

4:58 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If you go back and watch Jacob get crazy in the shed, pause it right after Ben gets thrown against the wall. For a split second there is someon sitting in the chair. I think Locke sees him too. It flashes from Ben's bug eyes to John's. It's kinda creepy. There is a guy in the chair for a split second though. What the heck??

12:57 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

On Lostpedia's page on this episode, there is the "Jacob" image on there. Though, someone thought it looked like Lock with hair. If you do go over to Lostpedia, check out the page of theories about this episode - though there are no answers, just interesting ideas.

I think Locke will somehow make it. And I think maybe that Jacob is the black smoke monster - because Jacob can manifest as different entities as needed. Perhaps it is Jacob manifesting all those people and things from the Losties' past. Just a thought.

3:27 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Another attempt to post that link!

3:30 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

does anyone remember Ben saying that Walt was too much for them to handle or something like that, it might have been the lady who was in charge at the huts, and everyone kept saying how "special" Walt was -- I wonder if Ben and Walt are similar in what they can do and Ben didn't want Walt around to compete with him. Maybe Ben can manifest things like Walt did or maybe it's all Jacob. But I think it ties back to Walt in some "LOST" way and we've heard Walt may come back next season.

5:36 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i was wondering if jacob somehow causes the whispering as a warning to the losties. after all, if you're going out into the jungle to attack someone and you're creeping up on them, the last thing you do is make a lot of noise. so maybe jacob is allowing the losties to hear their thoughts or something to let them know. also, jacob seems to be a prisoner in that room - Ben might be keeping him there and the only way is to escape in the form of the black smoke.

11:37 AM  

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