Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Lost: Greatest Hits - Airdate: May 16, 2007

Charlie's Greatest Hits:

5. The first time I heard myself on the radio.
4. Dad teaching me to swim at Butlins
3. The Christmas that Liam gave me the ring.
2. The woman at Covent Garden that calls me her hero.
1. The night I met you [Claire].

I am writing very quickly as I have been lately because (as you know) I have NO time.

(images borrowed from

Key Points: (In no particular order)

1. Liam's Ring:

Until now it was thought to mean Driveshaft, but Liam says a name, Dexter Stratton. The ring is a family heirloom which has been passed down many generations. Here's a link to what could be a possible explanation of DS. Liam gives Charlie the ring because he is still a "clean" rock star at this time and is more likely than Liam to survive the rock and roll lifestyle and go on to have a family. Charlie doesn't want to take it because Liam was first born. He also knows that his trip to The Looking Glass will be one way, so he leaves the ring in Aaron's crib because he loves Claire and considers them his family.

2. The Looking Glass:

There was a buzz about this underwater hatch last season. I'm surprised it took this long to get to it. We also finally learn what the cable is all about and, whatever is jamming the radio frequencies is located inside this hatch. That is why Rousseau's 16 year broadcast for help has never been heard.

3. The Ladies of The Hatch:

Lostpedia is listing thier names as Bonnie and Greta. At this point we don't know where their alliegence lies and we are only to assume that they are Others. Maybe they are survivors of the purge... that might make for a deeper story line that they now need to stretch to 2010. But wait, Ben did know that the signals were being jammed from the Looking Glass, but yet he tells everyone that it was flooded after some sort of accident to keep the Others from going down there. Maybe Bonnie and Greta work directly with Ben without anyone else knowing it... hmmm? We shall see. Ben does seem to be working on an agenda that the other others (or hostiles disapprove of. Something also tells me that Desmond will swim through the underwater entrance and save Charlie yet again. That may not happen until the beginning of Season 4.

4. The girl in the alley at Covent Gardens:

She lookes a lot like Nadia...oh...wait... what's that you say? It is Nadia, Sayid's girl. She says Chalie is the 4th person to walk by her as she is being mugged, and the only person to help. She calls him her hero, which leaves a life-long impression on him.

5. Jack's Plan:

Boom! With no time to finish wiring the tents that are marked with the White Rocks, but loaded with dynomite from the Black Rock, they decide to shoot the explosives as the Others enter the tents. The Shooters:

  1. Bernard - a Pheasant hunter in Montgomery County with great marksman skills.

  2. Sayid - has experience with guns from his stint in the Republican Guard.

  3. Jin - Don't really know what experience he has. I may have forgotten some details.

***More To Come Later On Thursday***


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Very fun to read the theories on "Greatest Hits" in Lostpedia. One theory is that one of the 2 women in the Looking Glass is Annie, the same girl that befriended Ben as a youth and DHARMA newbie.

10:59 AM  
Blogger Sherpa Mike said...

I'm with you. They need something to string it on 3 more seasons. It does feel like everything is coming to a head. I wasn't watching that closely (head also in computer) but I don't remember, did we see Desmonds flashes?

11:38 AM  
Blogger Tripp said...

I need to watch it again to make sure I didn't miss anything, but I am pretty sure we did not see Desmond's flashes. He only told Charlie what he saw... or at least told him what he wanted to tell him.

11:43 AM  
Blogger Sherpa Mike said...

Well the way things played out Charlie drowning makes sense... but, if he let Charlie die in the first time, he wouldn't have been alive to flip the switch. I don't think Desmond can let Charlie die.

7:18 PM  
Blogger MsYvone said...

what bothers me is the freaking type face they used on Charlies Ring. it looks like it came out of a bubble gum machine, rather than a family heirloom. christ, use a font that wasn't created in 1960!

On another note, a friend here at work sent me a web site that had posted the last two episodes spoilers, very detailed, and dang, if this weeks wasn't dead on. I'll send you the link if you want it for the finale.

6:43 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jin probably had experience of guns from when he was a 'messenger' for Sun's father.

11:40 AM  

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