Lost: "Through The Looking Glass" Season 3 Finale
Wow! How about that? What looked like a flashback was actually a flash forward - a glimpse into the future... a very bleak future for Jack who essentially turns into his alcoholic father after he leaves the island. Evangeline Lilly was on earlier this week with Regis and Kelly and she said there would be a "BIG REVEAL" that would set us up and lead us into the next three seasons. Bravo! That was one hell of a reveal. One thing is not adding up though.
When Jack (and his Tommy Chong beard) is tearing into Dr. Rob Hamill - played by James Lesure from the TV show Las Vegas - he says, "get my father down here and if I'm drunker than he is, then you can fire me." Jack's dad is dead. Perhaps it was just the ramblings of someone who is addicted to oxycodone. It could have also been a scripted line to keep the viewer thinking we were in the past (great job Damon and Carlton). ADD: He also tries to get a prescription filled using his father's prescription pad.
So we have the big reveal and the set up for the next few seasons: getting back to the island 101, but we are left (as always) with a ton of questions:
1. If Naomi is not working for Penny, then who? Maybe she is working for Hanso, and they have been trying to find the island since Ben killed all of the Dharma peeps and they want to exterminate the hostiles in a purge of their own.
2. Was it really Walt or was it Jacob in the form of Walt (Wonder Twin powers activate).
3. Who died? In Jack's flash forward, he is torn up by an obit that he reads in the paper. I couldn't get a good look at the paper, but whoever it was, it was enough to push Jack to suicide. The only thing that kept him from stepping off the ledge was the car accident in which he was able to save a mother an child - and once again feel good about fixing things, if only between pills (he caused the accident). Whoever it was that died didn't have any friends or family because no one showed up to the viewing. ADD: I'm thinking it was Ben because he would have been the only one with enough knowledge to get Jack back to the island that he so desparately wanted to return to. Also (thanks Tail Section!) the funeral parlor name is an easter egg. "Hoffs/Drawler" is an anagram for "Flash Forward." Had I caught that early, I would have realized it was a flashforward long before Kate meets Jack at the airport.
4. Who does Kate marry? Is it Sawyer, and does he become a bigger a-hole than he was in this episode?
5. Do you think Jack will keep his promise of killing Ben right before they take off in the rescue chopper? And will we even see a rescue? Or will season four jump right into the future with our protagonist, Gilligan, trying to get back to the island?
6. Was Jack's ex-wife, Sarah pregnant? I couldn't really tell, but it looked like she might be. Not that it has anything to do with the show, I was just wondering.
7. C'mon Locke! Why the theatrics? Just tell Jack why he's not supposed to leave the island.
8. Did Charlie really have to die? If he had of just come out of the jamming room and closed the air latch, would it have changed the outcome of things? Poor Charlie: RIP. Nice touch on the code for the Looking Glass jamming equipment: "Good Vibrations" by the Beach Boys played on the keypad. It was very Willy Wonka meats the organ of bones scene from The Goonies.
9. Danielle, Alex, Alex, Danielle... not really a question, I just felt like saying it. Rousseau says she's staying on the island. She knows what's up.
I'm in it for the long haul as I want to see it through to the end. I have heard that next season doesn't start until January of 2008. That is a long time to wait, but it will give me more time to get settled and get back to my blog. I am going to go back through the entire season on the DVR and add stuff to the blog periodically while the show is on hiatus, so check back often.
ADD: I was browsing the ABC/LOST forums and read a great theory about the Sharpie and Charlie's note on his hand. Desmond did not see this in his flashes and he therefore has a chance to get back to the beach and alter the shitty future that is in store for Jack. I am hoping that the flash forward we saw was just one of many possibilities. Even though Jack has a tendency to be an arrogant ass, he doesn't deserve that fate.
When Jack (and his Tommy Chong beard) is tearing into Dr. Rob Hamill - played by James Lesure from the TV show Las Vegas - he says, "get my father down here and if I'm drunker than he is, then you can fire me." Jack's dad is dead. Perhaps it was just the ramblings of someone who is addicted to oxycodone. It could have also been a scripted line to keep the viewer thinking we were in the past (great job Damon and Carlton). ADD: He also tries to get a prescription filled using his father's prescription pad.
So we have the big reveal and the set up for the next few seasons: getting back to the island 101, but we are left (as always) with a ton of questions:
1. If Naomi is not working for Penny, then who? Maybe she is working for Hanso, and they have been trying to find the island since Ben killed all of the Dharma peeps and they want to exterminate the hostiles in a purge of their own.
2. Was it really Walt or was it Jacob in the form of Walt (Wonder Twin powers activate).
3. Who died? In Jack's flash forward, he is torn up by an obit that he reads in the paper. I couldn't get a good look at the paper, but whoever it was, it was enough to push Jack to suicide. The only thing that kept him from stepping off the ledge was the car accident in which he was able to save a mother an child - and once again feel good about fixing things, if only between pills (he caused the accident). Whoever it was that died didn't have any friends or family because no one showed up to the viewing. ADD: I'm thinking it was Ben because he would have been the only one with enough knowledge to get Jack back to the island that he so desparately wanted to return to. Also (thanks Tail Section!) the funeral parlor name is an easter egg. "Hoffs/Drawler" is an anagram for "Flash Forward." Had I caught that early, I would have realized it was a flashforward long before Kate meets Jack at the airport.
4. Who does Kate marry? Is it Sawyer, and does he become a bigger a-hole than he was in this episode?
5. Do you think Jack will keep his promise of killing Ben right before they take off in the rescue chopper? And will we even see a rescue? Or will season four jump right into the future with our protagonist, Gilligan, trying to get back to the island?
6. Was Jack's ex-wife, Sarah pregnant? I couldn't really tell, but it looked like she might be. Not that it has anything to do with the show, I was just wondering.
7. C'mon Locke! Why the theatrics? Just tell Jack why he's not supposed to leave the island.
8. Did Charlie really have to die? If he had of just come out of the jamming room and closed the air latch, would it have changed the outcome of things? Poor Charlie: RIP. Nice touch on the code for the Looking Glass jamming equipment: "Good Vibrations" by the Beach Boys played on the keypad. It was very Willy Wonka meats the organ of bones scene from The Goonies.
9. Danielle, Alex, Alex, Danielle... not really a question, I just felt like saying it. Rousseau says she's staying on the island. She knows what's up.
I'm in it for the long haul as I want to see it through to the end. I have heard that next season doesn't start until January of 2008. That is a long time to wait, but it will give me more time to get settled and get back to my blog. I am going to go back through the entire season on the DVR and add stuff to the blog periodically while the show is on hiatus, so check back often.
ADD: I was browsing the ABC/LOST forums and read a great theory about the Sharpie and Charlie's note on his hand. Desmond did not see this in his flashes and he therefore has a chance to get back to the beach and alter the shitty future that is in store for Jack. I am hoping that the flash forward we saw was just one of many possibilities. Even though Jack has a tendency to be an arrogant ass, he doesn't deserve that fate.
Can't read the part of the paper. There's bad continuity with it too. When he puts the paper down and in all the long shots the fold is on the left. When he picks it up the fold is on the right.
I think Charlie drowns for Clair. Des told him he would.
I guess Hurley's not cursed anymore either?
As we both know, Tripp, taking the cart out won't "kill" the broadcast only give them dead air (everyone's favorite).
Maybe the woman and child Jack saved are Sarah and her "baby," and maybe that's why he wanted to do her surgery AGAIN (spinal injury). She definitely looked pregnant to me. I don't know if the timeline would work out or not. Just a thought...
1. Could Naomi be working for Penny's Father? Desmond did sail her fathers ship when he crashed during his race around the globe. Penny could be "wasting" her life looking for Desmond in her fathers eyes, and he want's to get rid of him first.
2. I think its Jacob in the form of Walt, though the others said Walt could "be in places he couldn't be"
But Jacob may have been able to heal Locke, while the other visions of Walt haven't been able to do anything.
3. I agree, its Sawyer. Jack said he was "Neither" to the question, Family or Friend? Did all the survivors get rescued, only to come to untimely deaths back on the main land, fullfilling Bens forecast that everyone on the island will be killed.
4. if Sawyer's in the casket, then she didn't marry him... Did she get back with the Cop she left in Florida? She did love him.
5. I hope they don't get rescued, if the flash-aheads are correct. Though, that would mean Charlies death was in vain. what to do!
6. Sarah is pregnant. very pregnant.
7. GOd yeah, stop being cryptic Locke, spit it out man!
8. Charlie should have taken the diving equipment in with him, dumb ass. Maybe he couldn't have sealed the door from the outside? I wish he would have run out of the room too, but we'd just have more Near death escapes until he died at some point. At least this was a heroic way to go.
A). What is with Mikhail not ever dieing? (sp?) He makes it through electrocution and now a spear "SHOT THROUGH THE HEART" (and desmond to blame, you give one eyes a bad name) It's like HERO's and the HIGHLANDER and PIRATES OF THE CARIBBEAN. wheres Cap'n Jack?
If He's immortal, why aren't the other OTHERS? is the fact that they can't die (or not) the reason they can't procreate? Is Locke now another "One who can't die?" crap. 8 months til we get any more psuedo answers.
What an incredible finale! I don't know how I can possibly wait 8 months for next season. I just had a few comments to throw in. I think the writers threw that line in about Jack's dad to keep us thinking in the past. That's when he was saying "You don't know what I've been through" and he said not to pity him after he said to get his dad down here. I think he was so messed up he 'forgot' his dad was dead.
I don't know if it was Walt or Jacob, but I know that wasn't his real voice! I guess he grew up too fast and had to be dubbed over!
As for who died, my bet is on Michael. Forgive the political incorrectness, but check out the neighborhood and the funeral parlor. Why wouldn't Walt be there, though? Perhaps the others got him back somehow? They were all betrayed by Michael, so of course Kate wouldn't want to go.
I don't think Ben will be killed before the possible rescue. We haven't seen the last of him. Was anybody else disappointed to see Tom get it? He was starting to grow on me.
Sarah was definitely pregnant. I'd say 7 or 8 months along.
I don't think Locke knows squat. He's so vague, no one believes what he says. Everyone knows he doesn't want to leave.
Poor Charlie. He's thin, couldn't he have swum out of the window, once the room was full of water? I guess he would have been out of air.
As for Danielle and Alex--what a funny way to bond as mother and daughter: "Will you help me tie him up?" Too funny.
As always, Tripp, thanks for your blog. It makes watching much more interesting!
Hey Tripp,
I heard Vicki say this morning on Star94 that she knows who died. Who was it? She said she wouldn't say because somebody there didn't want to know.
Okay, so I am having a blond moment or pregnancy brain. I watched the finale last night and didn't get anything out of it that said the "flashbacks" were a look into the future. Did I miss an important message somewhere? Maybe that's why I scratched my head when Jack and Kate met up.
Also, regarding the second comment from anonymous...it couldn't be Sarah in the accident, as Sarah came to the hospital when they were stitching him up. The timing is off.
I love the part when Walt showed up. I didn't think about it being Jacob, but that was my most 'oh my gosh' moment.
I think Naomi is with Darma and Ben was right about them coming to kill everyone on the Island. And Jack and Ben's camps will have to join forces in order to stay alive!! How cool would that be!!!
Anyhoo, does anyone know if they will show reruns this summer. My DVR messed up and I didn't get to record some of the shows. I think I missed half the season and that really bites!!!
I hope they air season three again after Traveler wraps up toward the end of summer. They could run the entire season consecutively and lead us into season four. Not sure if they are going to do that yet.
Backing up a post to Leigh, Vicki was talking about Charlie this morning. She doesn't know who was in the coffin. No one does at this point except for Damon and Carlton. We can only speculate.
I was watching a segment on E! last night and Kristen was interviewing Dominic and I'm sad to say that Charlie really is dead. *sniff*
Here is a link to see parts of the newspaper. You can see parts of the name. From the parts you CAN see, it may be someone we don't know yet?
Just a thought - when Yemi appeared in The Cost of Living he's covered in dust by the time he hears Eko's confession. Is this the same dust that's in a ring around Jacob's cabin?
Also i think Jack blames himself for the person's death. In the car before he tries to kill himself, he keeps saying 'Forgive me'. Ben said that calling Naomi's boat would be the beginning of the end - maybe somehow that was responsible for the person's death.
A few ideas about the person who died. Firstly, could it be Joanna, the woman who drowned after about a week on the Island? I can't remember if they ever said her last name though.
Also could the body be Locke's dad? He used a lot of names. Maybe his body reminded Jack that Locke had told him to stay on the Island but he didn't listen.
Desmond wasn't sailing Penny's father's ship. He was in a race that her father's company sponsored. Remember he got the boat from Libby when they met at the coffee shop. It was her husband's and he had just died.
Hey, I just thought of something. Now that Mr. Friendly is dead, we'll never know what he meant when he said Kate wasn't his type.
Or he was just gay then, I guess.
Hey Tripp,
I listened to the Podcast with Lindelof and Cuse from Comicon. It was pretty good. The questions people were asking were okay, but one lady asked, "What questions should we be asking?"
One of the questions..."What or who is out on Naomi's freighter?"
If you get some "spare time" (I know that's an oxymoron) you should check out their podcast.
Oh, and Michael is coming back, but they won't say if it's a flashback or in real time. But they touch on the "who's in the coffin" thing, by referring the the fact that the person in the coffin was survived by a teenage son as stated in the obit. Harold Perrineau was there at the Comi-con and he joked that it was John Locke..... okay that is all for now.
Hey Tripp,
Have you heard if the writes strike has affected Lost?
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