Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Lost: "D.O.C" Airdate: April 25, 2007

I'm tired tonight and was going to wait until tomorrow to post, but what the "tree girl" said at the very end of the episode is keeping me awake. "Flight 815? That's impossible. They found the plane. They were all dead. There were no survivors..." What the !@#$? What does this mean? Are we talking some sort of alternate reality now, or multiple planes of existence? I hate to even bring this up because the writers have vehemently denied it over and over since season one, but could it really be purgatory? Perhaps the report of the plane being found and that there were no survivors was falsified by the Others so that no one would come looking and accidentally discover the island. Let's go with that. At the time of the crash of Flight 815, Mikhail had contact with the "outside world" (Locke wasn't there yet to blow up The Flame) and was monitoring the crash story as well as gathering info on all passengers aboard the flight. He could have leaked a story that 815 had been found. That would be the most logical explanation, but this this show often strays from the logical. We still don't know what the freakin' smoke monster is yet. So what did we gain from this episode? Another long list of unanswered questions.

Such as, why is Mikhail alive? Did he fake his death at the perimeter gate? Or are we getting back into the "good twin, bad twin" theories? He does say "I have already died once this week," but this Mikhail seemed much nicer than the guy at The Flame... although he did try to steal the satellite phone. And if Mikhail did die and was brought back to life, does this mean that Miss Klugh is also alive? I assume not because if they could bring people back to life, why not Pickett or any of the pregnant women? Or maybe it is the island that gets to pick and choose who comes back to life and who dies. Pickett was killed on the other island anyway... jeez I'm starting ramble. Before we get to any other unanswered questions, let me go over what I did learn.

Time stamp: Juliet says they have been on the island for 90 days while giving Sun an ultrasound. There are three more episodes until the season finale, right? Do you think they will cover 18 days over the next few weeks? I thought it would cool if the cataclysmic season final just so happened fall on day 108. I'm not sure that will happen now unless through the magic of TV they are able to skip ahead a few days and re-time stamp before the season finale. The name of tonight's episode was D.O.C. or "Date of Conception." Let me do some Lost math: 90 days - D.O.C.(53 days ago according to Juliet)= Day 37. The Lostpedia time line lists this as October 28, 2004 Island Pacific Time, and we now know that the baby is Jin's. This kills my theory that it was Mr. Lee. We can put that one to bed.

What else did we learn? Jin is ashamed of where he came from. His mom was a prostitute and his father a fisherman. His father said he wasn't sure he was even his son. "I gave birth to him, that doesn't make me his mother." What a !@#$% I hope the extortionist dies a horrible death. It is because of the $100,000 that Sun borrows (er, somewhat extorts) from her own dad that Jin has to do Mr. Paik's dirty work.

The medical hatch has a little secret of it's own. I wonder if all the hatches were set up that way. Hidden lever inside the locker opens a door to a room that is hidden behind the row of lockers. This was were they brought the pregnant women to die. Juliet has lost 9 patients in the 3 years she has been there. Most of the women made it to the second trimester, none made it to the third. It was also confirmed that she is still working for the Others (we knew that, but I wasn't sure to what extent), but on what appears to be a fact finding mission. She is "still getting samples." I need to watch it again to see exactly what she said, but she did mention Kate while talking into the recorder. Did they impregnate Kate while in captivity? Or just assume that she may have gotten pregnant by Sawyer that sweaty, dirty night in the cage?

Sun has two months to live. Looking at the time line, that would put her possible death at February 18, 2005 island time. Someone posted on my blog last week that they heard that Lost will not start Season Four until January of next year so they can run all episodes consecutively. I have not heard this, or read it, of course I have been absent. If this is the case, then Sun's death would fall in the middle of February sweeps. I can hear the promos in my head now: "Will Sun Live or Die..."

The "tree girl" or parachutist... it seems like it would be hard to parachute from a helicopter, but from what I have read, it is possible...speaks several different languages while the camping party attempts to save her: Spanish, Italian, Korean, and English. No one brought up Portuguese, but the book she was carrying which we saw last episode was Portuguese for "Catch 22." At the end of season two, the men in the monitoring station were also speaking Portuguese right before they called Penny(see "Live Together, Die Alone."

Alright, now to the unanswered question that we will ponder all week when we come back next week for more unanswered questions. Who is the parachutist? Why is she there? We know the island is all powerful, but how does it heal someone so fast, raise sperm counts, etc. Is it one of those magnetic hot spots that has been addressed in past episodes? I'm sure there are more questions, but I am falling asleep.

Before I go, I wanted to give a big bravo to Sun for actually grilling Juliet. No one has asked her any questions, but Sun did. "What happens to pregnant women on this island?" "Why are you doing this...helping me?" "Why is this room hidden?" Sure Juliet gave some vague answers, but I hope that more characters step up and start asking questions.

I've got to get to bed. The whole "there were no survivors on Flight 815" thing is still running around in my head. I'll log on later. I still want to get to a theory one of my co-workers proposed last week. If the parachutists had of said something along the lines of: "Flight 815, that's impossible. That crash happened more than 50 years ago..." then he would have nailed it. Still pondering his theory and may share it later.

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Lost: "Catch 22" Airdate - April 18, 2007

I have come to the realization that I may never get caught up so I decided to just jump right back in with this episode and try to catch up at a later date. I know that a lot of people have given up on me and my blog...what can I say but life got in the way. Everything is starting to settle down a bit so I should be able to dig into the final four episodes and the cataclysmic season finale without any more delays. With that said let's jump into "Catch 22."

It was another Desmond flashback episode, but I have to say that Sawyer stole the show. He had some great lines: "How about some Afternoon Delight?" "Do you need me to make you a mixtape?" "Are you two arguing over who's your favorite Other?" "If we don't play every 108 minutes..." The mixtape line had me laughing so hard, I missed the next few lines and had to pick back up with Hurley convincing Jin that he and Desmond were going camping.

"Catch 22" went way back into Desmond's life. From what we learned, he has always run away from what mattered. He considers himself a coward. At one time he was engaged to Ruth, but ran away a week before the wedding to join a monastery. I didn't catch the name of the head monk, but the name of the wine was Moriah Vineyard. In the Bible, God asks Abraham to sacrifice his son Isaac on Mount Moriah. It was only a test of God.

We saw the pic of Desmond and Penny several times in the episode...did anyone catch the other picture on the desk of the head monk. It was a picture with the monk and the weird lady in the jewelry store/ring shop from the last Desmond flashback episode (it was a bad photoshopped picture); someone he hasn't met yet, but now has ties back to the monastery. And rightfully so because it is there where he meets Penny, the "next" in "whatever comes next." What the monk tells Desmond is pretty important: "You just spent too much time running away that you didn't realize what you may be running towards."

Meanwhile, back on the island, Desmond's visions lead a small group on a short expedition... er well, before the expedition can begin, Desmond has to set things in motion. He is so sure that Penny is coming to the island that he is willing to let Charlie die to get to her. Of course he saves Charlie again even though he knows that it will keep happening again and again until death finally catches up to Charlie. There has been some talk as of late that Desmond may be the next to die. If that happens, Charlie won't be far behind... and I suspect that if Desmond goes, Charlie will stick close to Claire thus bringing about her death as well. This of course is just speculation on my part... just little 'ol me rambling again.

I got a call just as the episode ended asking who I thought the girl who parachuted from the helicopter is? It certainly looked like Sayid's girl Nadia, but I don't think it's her. We'll have to wait and see. In her pack was a satellite phone, a book titled "Ardil-22," which is Portugese for "Catch 22" btw.

Kate is jealous of Jack and Juliet, so she "jumps" Sawyer. Here's a question: what happens when The Others arrive in a week and Jack realizes that Juliet has betrayed his trust, provided he survives the cataclysmic season finale? Will he go running back to Kate? Will the love triangle continue?

A few things to look up later in the day on Thursday: (wikipedia is wonderful)
1. Moriah Vineyard
2. Isaac
3. Ruth (as a biblical name)
4. "The Best of Phil Collins" (not really... but it was funny how they attributed the tape to Bernard who we haven't seen in a while. A clever way to keep his character in the loop.)
5. Ardil-22/Catch 22

I think that is pretty much it. I'll log on tomorrow and add anything that I may have forgotten to mention. It's good to be back. Thanks for being patient with me. I'll try to back track through the last few episodes if I get some free time this weekend.