Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Lost: "D.O.C" Airdate: April 25, 2007

I'm tired tonight and was going to wait until tomorrow to post, but what the "tree girl" said at the very end of the episode is keeping me awake. "Flight 815? That's impossible. They found the plane. They were all dead. There were no survivors..." What the !@#$? What does this mean? Are we talking some sort of alternate reality now, or multiple planes of existence? I hate to even bring this up because the writers have vehemently denied it over and over since season one, but could it really be purgatory? Perhaps the report of the plane being found and that there were no survivors was falsified by the Others so that no one would come looking and accidentally discover the island. Let's go with that. At the time of the crash of Flight 815, Mikhail had contact with the "outside world" (Locke wasn't there yet to blow up The Flame) and was monitoring the crash story as well as gathering info on all passengers aboard the flight. He could have leaked a story that 815 had been found. That would be the most logical explanation, but this this show often strays from the logical. We still don't know what the freakin' smoke monster is yet. So what did we gain from this episode? Another long list of unanswered questions.

Such as, why is Mikhail alive? Did he fake his death at the perimeter gate? Or are we getting back into the "good twin, bad twin" theories? He does say "I have already died once this week," but this Mikhail seemed much nicer than the guy at The Flame... although he did try to steal the satellite phone. And if Mikhail did die and was brought back to life, does this mean that Miss Klugh is also alive? I assume not because if they could bring people back to life, why not Pickett or any of the pregnant women? Or maybe it is the island that gets to pick and choose who comes back to life and who dies. Pickett was killed on the other island anyway... jeez I'm starting ramble. Before we get to any other unanswered questions, let me go over what I did learn.

Time stamp: Juliet says they have been on the island for 90 days while giving Sun an ultrasound. There are three more episodes until the season finale, right? Do you think they will cover 18 days over the next few weeks? I thought it would cool if the cataclysmic season final just so happened fall on day 108. I'm not sure that will happen now unless through the magic of TV they are able to skip ahead a few days and re-time stamp before the season finale. The name of tonight's episode was D.O.C. or "Date of Conception." Let me do some Lost math: 90 days - D.O.C.(53 days ago according to Juliet)= Day 37. The Lostpedia time line lists this as October 28, 2004 Island Pacific Time, and we now know that the baby is Jin's. This kills my theory that it was Mr. Lee. We can put that one to bed.

What else did we learn? Jin is ashamed of where he came from. His mom was a prostitute and his father a fisherman. His father said he wasn't sure he was even his son. "I gave birth to him, that doesn't make me his mother." What a !@#$% I hope the extortionist dies a horrible death. It is because of the $100,000 that Sun borrows (er, somewhat extorts) from her own dad that Jin has to do Mr. Paik's dirty work.

The medical hatch has a little secret of it's own. I wonder if all the hatches were set up that way. Hidden lever inside the locker opens a door to a room that is hidden behind the row of lockers. This was were they brought the pregnant women to die. Juliet has lost 9 patients in the 3 years she has been there. Most of the women made it to the second trimester, none made it to the third. It was also confirmed that she is still working for the Others (we knew that, but I wasn't sure to what extent), but on what appears to be a fact finding mission. She is "still getting samples." I need to watch it again to see exactly what she said, but she did mention Kate while talking into the recorder. Did they impregnate Kate while in captivity? Or just assume that she may have gotten pregnant by Sawyer that sweaty, dirty night in the cage?

Sun has two months to live. Looking at the time line, that would put her possible death at February 18, 2005 island time. Someone posted on my blog last week that they heard that Lost will not start Season Four until January of next year so they can run all episodes consecutively. I have not heard this, or read it, of course I have been absent. If this is the case, then Sun's death would fall in the middle of February sweeps. I can hear the promos in my head now: "Will Sun Live or Die..."

The "tree girl" or parachutist... it seems like it would be hard to parachute from a helicopter, but from what I have read, it is possible...speaks several different languages while the camping party attempts to save her: Spanish, Italian, Korean, and English. No one brought up Portuguese, but the book she was carrying which we saw last episode was Portuguese for "Catch 22." At the end of season two, the men in the monitoring station were also speaking Portuguese right before they called Penny(see "Live Together, Die Alone."

Alright, now to the unanswered question that we will ponder all week when we come back next week for more unanswered questions. Who is the parachutist? Why is she there? We know the island is all powerful, but how does it heal someone so fast, raise sperm counts, etc. Is it one of those magnetic hot spots that has been addressed in past episodes? I'm sure there are more questions, but I am falling asleep.

Before I go, I wanted to give a big bravo to Sun for actually grilling Juliet. No one has asked her any questions, but Sun did. "What happens to pregnant women on this island?" "Why are you doing this...helping me?" "Why is this room hidden?" Sure Juliet gave some vague answers, but I hope that more characters step up and start asking questions.

I've got to get to bed. The whole "there were no survivors on Flight 815" thing is still running around in my head. I'll log on later. I still want to get to a theory one of my co-workers proposed last week. If the parachutists had of said something along the lines of: "Flight 815, that's impossible. That crash happened more than 50 years ago..." then he would have nailed it. Still pondering his theory and may share it later.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I just have to say that I also laid awake for quite awhile last night pondering that last line last night, "there were no survivors", and had the same scenerios running thru my head. However, one that stuck out, if we are in a "purgatory" and the black smoke is Satan or something thereof, is that why no new life can be brought onto the island? Or what if they are playing with parallel realities, like a Deja Vu, and we just see the reality of what would life be like if they lived. I know, there are so many more questions unanswered that pop up every time we toss out potential answers. Hmmm, answers, that sure would be nice!

6:00 AM  
Blogger terrie said...

Do you think Juliet was telling the truth about the DOC? Could it actually have been sooner but she wanted to make Sun think the baby was Jin's and that she was going to die so Juliet could "save" her?

7:05 AM  
Blogger Tripp said...

Ooooh. I didn't even think about that. If she saves Sun and both mom and baby are alive, then her work is done and she can leave the island... totally screwing Ben in the process. I'm going to put that on the shelf for a while.

7:19 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Another thing the "tree girl" said was bothering me. And I didn't believe Mikhail when he translated her as saying "Thank you...Thank you for saving me." One forum I checked translated it as "I am not alone." Very interesting...

8:01 AM  
Blogger terrie said...

It was like "tree girl" knew Mikhail and that is why she was having a fit just before he stabbed her in the lung to release the blood.

8:44 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Tripp,
I had thoughts of Juliet lying about the gestation of the baby too, so she could "save her and the baby". How would Sun know what an 8 week old fetus looks like on a ultrasound?

I also thought the others WANTED Kate to sleep with Saywer to get her preggers too. So they've had 2 encounters now, (I'm sure somebody somewhere did the math about Kate's ovulation and timing on the island)
Sun getting the money from her Dad puts Jin working with him doing the "real work" of a powerful family. Maybe his new name should be Jin Corleone. Sorry, had to use the Godfather reference.
Anyway, I liked Mikhail coming back, his character was interesting. In the last eppy, when Ben and Juliet were walking up to the Flame, Ben shouted out, "we're coming up, don't shoot us". Maybe he works alone 'cuz he's a weirdo and nobody wants to work with him. I mean that crazy eye patch is enough....
Anyway, I heard what the parachute girl said about the crash site leaving no survivors, but my theory is that the Others or the Dharma or whoever, obviously covered something up. I mean if they can get Juliet's ex-husband hit by a freakin' bus, they can cover up a plane crash. Another thought, I think parachute girl was sent to find Desmondo by Penny, she had the picture and everything.
Okay thats enough rambling from me for now.
Til next week

5:10 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Things I keep thinking about...

Sun also killed an Other (can't remember her name, but the girl on the boat), so who knows how much effort will be put forth to save her life?

Can we trust Juliet's answer for the DOC? Would she lie about it?

I still do NOT think they are in purgatory. I just hope this whole "there were no survivors" thing is not Lost's "jump the shark" moment.


9:12 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If they are in purgatory then Clare's baby would have been still born if we run on the fact that no new life can be brought onto the island if it is purgagtory.

And then what would be the point of saving Charlie's life all the time.

Ok - Ok - it's finals week and I'm studying LOST instead LOL

10:18 AM  
Blogger MsYvone said...

My theory on Mikhal, It seems that as long as your vital organs aren't made inoperable, ie... shot through the heart or head, and therefore unable to circulate blood, you can still heal, and recover. In the case of Boone and Annalisa, their internal organs shut down and they could not repair themselves.

WHICH, makes me wonder about the couple that was buried alive after the temporary paralysis.

5:24 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

^^I was going to comment about that as well. I thought that the girl openned an eye as a pile of sand was thrown on her - then the episode ended.

7:58 AM  
Blogger Sherpa Mike said...

Tripp did you see this yet?

Michelle Rordriguez is on the cover of the new issue of lesbian magazine Curve, and she finally, officially reveals (herself) what we've known all along.

She's a big dykon!

In addition to discussing her love for the puss, Rodriguez also talks a bit about her relationship with with Kristanna Loken, the actress that outed her in an issue of The Advocate last year.

10:10 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Did anybody hear Lindelof and Cuse this morning on Steve and Vikki? I missed it and I'm dying to know what they said!

6:30 PM  

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