Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Lost: "Flashes Before Your Eyes" Airdate - Feb. 14th, 2007

Sorry!!! Sorry... sorry... I know I have fallen behind. I was on vacation last week when this episode aired. Disney was having some technical problems with their high speed access in the rooms, so I didn't want to pay for another 24 hours of access. When we got back on Saturday, we finished packing up the house and moved on Sunday... I know, we're insane. Anyway, I have been without internet for almost a week (not including work access thank goodness). Of course all of my screen captures are on my other computer that I haven't even hooked up at the new house yet. The good news is that my DSL should be up and running tomorrow or Friday, and I just got a call that DISH Network is on the way to install as I type. Thank goodness I will have TV tonight. I'm really looking forward to learning more about Jack's tattoos.

"Flashes Before Your Eyes" was just a bizarre and drawn out set up for Charlie's upcoming death. I guess the big question(s) would be WHEN and HOW will he die. If the universe has a way of self-correcting, I guess it is working overtime for Charlie. If you take a look back over the entire series, Charlie has been saved time and time again, even before Desmond started saving his life. He was saved when Ethan strung him up. You could even say that Locke saved him from a possible drug overdose by getting him off of the heroin. There are probably a few other instances that I can't think of right now. I'm betting on a season 3 finale Charlie death or possible death where they leave us hanging until the start of season four. If he dies at all. If you took part in the Lost Experience over the summer and watched some of the video easter eggs, one of the things that Hanso/Dharma was trying to achieve was to alter the sequence of the numbers (4, 8, 15, 16, 23, 42... the sum being 108). Whoever could change the sequence could change and alter history, at least that is a clue that I got from one of the videos.

The hatch numbers were re-introduced through this entire episode. The clock reads 1:08. A package is being delivered to 815, etc. (Of course I say, "etc." because I can remember anything else. I'm going off the top of my head... I left my notes somewhere. I hate moving... but I love the new house). It was a strange flashback...or was it real? Did Desmond bend time and space when he turned the key? We sort of put that question to Carlton Cuse when he called into Steve and Vikki this morning. Tom called me for a question and I gave him a really geeky one. Was Desmond living out his memory subconsciously or was he physically there re-living his life retaining future memories? Carlton said that they have not committed to time travel just yet... leaving the door open of course for the possibility.

The lady in the ring store was very freaky. "You must do this because it is what you are supposed to do" [paraphrase]. I don't know... I just don't know how this show is going to end. I hope I am not disappointed. If a long metal spike falls our of the back of Desmond's head and Neo shows up, I might just I'm sure there are other things to discuss, but I have run out of time. I just got a call from my wife and she said that the Dish guys have been there for an hour and haven't even started. I better have TV tonight.

Saturday, February 10, 2007

Lost: "Not In Portland" Airdate - Feb. 7 2007

I am currently on vacation, but I wanted to dig a little deeper on this episode before next week's episode so I don't fall behind. I didn't get to pull all of the screen caps that I wanted to, but I did get some important ones.

The writers and producers seem to be getting a little faster with their "Easter Eggs" and special inclusions - example: the plane that flies by the Miami city scape window has the Oceanic logo of course:

There are a few objects that fly across the screen, but don't really give us anything that we didn't already figure out. Just for fun... and to take up some bandwidth, I have posted Juliet's Biolab access card and the Biolab sign:

Perhaps some of the info found in these two captures will be of use later on... and then again, maybe not.

Here are a couple of shots of the treatment that Juliet was giving Rachel:

Now on to some of the creepier captures. Ethan Rom was all over Juliet's flashback.

At first, I thought he and Juliet may have been working on her fertility experiment, but it became very obvious that Ethan was working with this man:

Richard Alpert, a recruiter for Mittelos Bioscience Corporation. Here's something interesting from the wiki. "In Real-life Dr. Richard Alpert (a.k.a. Ram Dass) is a noted psychologist and Hindu spiritualist. In 1963 he was dismissed from Harvard University for his research (in collaboration with Timothy Leary, Aldous Huxley, Allen Ginsberg and others) into psilocybin, LSD-25, and other psychedelic chemicals. Later he traveled to India where he was given his Hindu spiritual name "Ram Dass" which translates as 'Servant of God'."

"Mittelos" is an anagram for "Lost Time." According to a wiki entry, it also spells out "Time Slot" which could be a sly reference to the new start time... but I like "Lost Time" better.

Ben was his usual creepy self. We know he told Juliet that he would let her go, but I would really like to here their entire conversation. I wonder if we ever will.

I'm no doctor, so is it possible for someone to come out of anesthesia like that? I didn't feel sorry for Ben, but poor Carl:

I may have to print Carl's raver pic out as a t-shirt. Before we get to the screen caps from the "A Clock Work Orange" room, let's start with the outside of that hatch.

It almost looks like a run down dormitory. It's gaurded by Aldo who is deep in thought reading "A Brief History of Time" by Stephen Hawking. That explains why he fell for the "ol' wookie prisoner gag."

You can also make out the logo for the Hydra station over his shoulder. The Hydra is the Zoological research station.

Here are a few of the captures from what they were making Carl watch as he was "re-programmed?" (I'm assuming).

"Plant A Good Seed and You Will Joyfully Gather Fruit"

Jacob? Hmmmmmmmmmm? Are we talking Jacob as a biblical reference or Jacob, the "him" that was referred to last season. Perhaps Ben reports to yet a higher authority?

Our old friend Alvar Hanso.

I have seen this picture (above) more than once while trying to keep up with the Lost Experience ARG.

There are a few other screen captures I did not get because we were literally walking out the door to leave for vacation. You should be able to find them on the web. I will be watching on Wednesday and I'm sure I will at least have a quick report from Old Key West in Walt Disney World.

Next Episode: "Flashes Before Your Eyes" - Charlie and Hurley will try to get Desmond to come clean about his new found gift. Flashbacks are supposed to be Desmonds, according to Lostpedia, but it says "unconfirmed."

Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Lost: "Not In Portland" Airdate - Feb. 7, 2007

Lost came back in a big way. I have chills right now. I wasn't going to blog until I re-watched the episode and pulled some screen caps. Since it is on at 10:00pm now, I won't be doing that until Thursday afternoon, but I couldn't stand it... I wanted to list a few of the things I picked up on.

Juliet was doing "illegal and unethical" fertility research using medication from her ex-husband's (Edmund Burke) lab. Her test subject or "guinea pig" is her sister Rachel. The experiment works and her sister gets pregnant. Because her research works, she is recruited by the Portland bio-science company. The name of the company is Mittellos Bio Science. Keep an eye out for an "easter egg" website built around the company. Mittelos is obviously a front for Hanso and the Dharma Initiative. It appears to me that Juliet was recruited by Mr. Alpert into captivity. She was/is forced to stay on the island. She has been there for 3 years, 2 months, and 28 days. We also see Ethan several times in the flashbacks. He is already working with Dharma. "We're not quite in Portland..." By the way, if you haven't figured it out yet, Mittelos is an anagram for "Lost Time." TIME is very important in this episode. I'll get more into it when I have "time" to re-watch and digest everything.

Quickly, what else did we learn:

1. Sawyer hasn't lost his edge: "Nice to meet you Sheenah" and "The Ol' Wookie Prisoner Gag."

2. Mr. Friendly aka Zeke's real name is Tom. At one point he begins to tell Jack why they didn't just leave and take Ben to a doctor. He says something about the purple sky, but I need to go back and watch it again.

3. Karl is in some sort of psychological brain-washing room and it was very "A Clockwork Orange." Screen caps coming soon.

4. In her interview in Portland, Juliet says that the only way she would be able to take the job was if Ed got hit by a bus... and he does. Was Ethan driving?

5. Alex is Ben's daughter, or at least Ben is all she has ever known. I wonder if she will ever discover the truth about Rousseau.

I'm sure there is much more to discuss, but this new time slot is killing me. I'll be back later on Thursday. Next week, I'll be blogging from Disney World.

Lost: "Not In Portland" Airdate - February 7, 2007 - Preview

...and we're back. Well, almost. Still a few hours to go. I'm just trying to get back into my blogging habit. Tonight's episode as you can see in the post title is "Not In Portland." We will rejoin the Lostaways in the operating room where Ben's life is in Jack's hands; Kate and Sawyer will make a run for it; and we will learn a little bit more about Juliet in her flashbacks. I don't want to dig too deep right now because I would hate to spoil anything. I'll be back later tonight