Lost: "Through The Looking Glass" Season 3 Finale
Wow! How about that? What looked like a flashback was actually a flash forward - a glimpse into the future... a very bleak future for Jack who essentially turns into his alcoholic father after he leaves the island. Evangeline Lilly was on earlier this week with Regis and Kelly and she said there would be a "BIG REVEAL" that would set us up and lead us into the next three seasons. Bravo! That was one hell of a reveal. One thing is not adding up though.
When Jack (and his Tommy Chong beard) is tearing into Dr. Rob Hamill - played by James Lesure from the TV show Las Vegas - he says, "get my father down here and if I'm drunker than he is, then you can fire me." Jack's dad is dead. Perhaps it was just the ramblings of someone who is addicted to oxycodone. It could have also been a scripted line to keep the viewer thinking we were in the past (great job Damon and Carlton). ADD: He also tries to get a prescription filled using his father's prescription pad.
So we have the big reveal and the set up for the next few seasons: getting back to the island 101, but we are left (as always) with a ton of questions:
1. If Naomi is not working for Penny, then who? Maybe she is working for Hanso, and they have been trying to find the island since Ben killed all of the Dharma peeps and they want to exterminate the hostiles in a purge of their own.
2. Was it really Walt or was it Jacob in the form of Walt (Wonder Twin powers activate).
3. Who died? In Jack's flash forward, he is torn up by an obit that he reads in the paper. I couldn't get a good look at the paper, but whoever it was, it was enough to push Jack to suicide. The only thing that kept him from stepping off the ledge was the car accident in which he was able to save a mother an child - and once again feel good about fixing things, if only between pills (he caused the accident). Whoever it was that died didn't have any friends or family because no one showed up to the viewing. ADD: I'm thinking it was Ben because he would have been the only one with enough knowledge to get Jack back to the island that he so desparately wanted to return to. Also (thanks Tail Section!) the funeral parlor name is an easter egg. "Hoffs/Drawler" is an anagram for "Flash Forward." Had I caught that early, I would have realized it was a flashforward long before Kate meets Jack at the airport.
4. Who does Kate marry? Is it Sawyer, and does he become a bigger a-hole than he was in this episode?
5. Do you think Jack will keep his promise of killing Ben right before they take off in the rescue chopper? And will we even see a rescue? Or will season four jump right into the future with our protagonist, Gilligan, trying to get back to the island?
6. Was Jack's ex-wife, Sarah pregnant? I couldn't really tell, but it looked like she might be. Not that it has anything to do with the show, I was just wondering.
7. C'mon Locke! Why the theatrics? Just tell Jack why he's not supposed to leave the island.
8. Did Charlie really have to die? If he had of just come out of the jamming room and closed the air latch, would it have changed the outcome of things? Poor Charlie: RIP. Nice touch on the code for the Looking Glass jamming equipment: "Good Vibrations" by the Beach Boys played on the keypad. It was very Willy Wonka meats the organ of bones scene from The Goonies.
9. Danielle, Alex, Alex, Danielle... not really a question, I just felt like saying it. Rousseau says she's staying on the island. She knows what's up.
I'm in it for the long haul as I want to see it through to the end. I have heard that next season doesn't start until January of 2008. That is a long time to wait, but it will give me more time to get settled and get back to my blog. I am going to go back through the entire season on the DVR and add stuff to the blog periodically while the show is on hiatus, so check back often.
ADD: I was browsing the ABC/LOST forums and read a great theory about the Sharpie and Charlie's note on his hand. Desmond did not see this in his flashes and he therefore has a chance to get back to the beach and alter the shitty future that is in store for Jack. I am hoping that the flash forward we saw was just one of many possibilities. Even though Jack has a tendency to be an arrogant ass, he doesn't deserve that fate.
When Jack (and his Tommy Chong beard) is tearing into Dr. Rob Hamill - played by James Lesure from the TV show Las Vegas - he says, "get my father down here and if I'm drunker than he is, then you can fire me." Jack's dad is dead. Perhaps it was just the ramblings of someone who is addicted to oxycodone. It could have also been a scripted line to keep the viewer thinking we were in the past (great job Damon and Carlton). ADD: He also tries to get a prescription filled using his father's prescription pad.
So we have the big reveal and the set up for the next few seasons: getting back to the island 101, but we are left (as always) with a ton of questions:
1. If Naomi is not working for Penny, then who? Maybe she is working for Hanso, and they have been trying to find the island since Ben killed all of the Dharma peeps and they want to exterminate the hostiles in a purge of their own.
2. Was it really Walt or was it Jacob in the form of Walt (Wonder Twin powers activate).
3. Who died? In Jack's flash forward, he is torn up by an obit that he reads in the paper. I couldn't get a good look at the paper, but whoever it was, it was enough to push Jack to suicide. The only thing that kept him from stepping off the ledge was the car accident in which he was able to save a mother an child - and once again feel good about fixing things, if only between pills (he caused the accident). Whoever it was that died didn't have any friends or family because no one showed up to the viewing. ADD: I'm thinking it was Ben because he would have been the only one with enough knowledge to get Jack back to the island that he so desparately wanted to return to. Also (thanks Tail Section!) the funeral parlor name is an easter egg. "Hoffs/Drawler" is an anagram for "Flash Forward." Had I caught that early, I would have realized it was a flashforward long before Kate meets Jack at the airport.
4. Who does Kate marry? Is it Sawyer, and does he become a bigger a-hole than he was in this episode?
5. Do you think Jack will keep his promise of killing Ben right before they take off in the rescue chopper? And will we even see a rescue? Or will season four jump right into the future with our protagonist, Gilligan, trying to get back to the island?
6. Was Jack's ex-wife, Sarah pregnant? I couldn't really tell, but it looked like she might be. Not that it has anything to do with the show, I was just wondering.
7. C'mon Locke! Why the theatrics? Just tell Jack why he's not supposed to leave the island.
8. Did Charlie really have to die? If he had of just come out of the jamming room and closed the air latch, would it have changed the outcome of things? Poor Charlie: RIP. Nice touch on the code for the Looking Glass jamming equipment: "Good Vibrations" by the Beach Boys played on the keypad. It was very Willy Wonka meats the organ of bones scene from The Goonies.
9. Danielle, Alex, Alex, Danielle... not really a question, I just felt like saying it. Rousseau says she's staying on the island. She knows what's up.
I'm in it for the long haul as I want to see it through to the end. I have heard that next season doesn't start until January of 2008. That is a long time to wait, but it will give me more time to get settled and get back to my blog. I am going to go back through the entire season on the DVR and add stuff to the blog periodically while the show is on hiatus, so check back often.
ADD: I was browsing the ABC/LOST forums and read a great theory about the Sharpie and Charlie's note on his hand. Desmond did not see this in his flashes and he therefore has a chance to get back to the beach and alter the shitty future that is in store for Jack. I am hoping that the flash forward we saw was just one of many possibilities. Even though Jack has a tendency to be an arrogant ass, he doesn't deserve that fate.