Wednesday, March 21, 2007

"I once was LOST, but now am found..."

***Wow! I thought for sure I would get caught up during vacation. How fast time flies when life gets in the way. I have received a lot of e-mails from people all over the place. Thank you for your concern... and I am not dead. Below is what I wrote during vacation. I still have a lot of catching up to do. I will make another post weighing in on Wednesday night's "One of Us" and backtrack from there. Thank you for your patience.***

I finally found some time during my vacation to catch up on LOST. Since I will be revisiting the last several episodes, I will most likely just hit on key points and easter eggs. And here we go...

Lost: "Stranger In A Strange Land" Airdate: February 21, 2007

1. The Kate and Sawyer relationship continues its downward spiral as Karl's brain seems to, somewhat: "God loves you as he loved Jacob." We still don't know who this Jacob feller is yet, do we? I have a hunch, based on his name being mentioned in past episodes, that Jacob is "da man." Remember the line "not on Jacob's list?" Also, with the continual flow of science and religion in this series, look up the biblical story of Jacob and Esau. You can start on the Lost Wiki, but beware of spoilers.

2. New Character: Isabel, aka The Sheriff. LOST FUN FACT: Isabel is played by Diana Scarwid. Diana is from my hometown of Savannah. There is a running joke in my family that my mom was stalking her in the Wilmington Island Publix one day while on break from stalking Sandra Bulloch in CVS. *Kidding Mom* FYI: Sandra Bulloch has a house on Tybee. Isabel appears to be very educated and multi-lingual as she demonstrates by translating Jack's tat. She is also another very mysterious character.

3. Flashbacks: We learn a bit more about Jack and his tatoo as we go back to Phuket, Thailand. While there we meet Achara, Jack's "sexy girlfriend." Achara has a gift. I'm pretty sure Jack thinks this "gift" is the gift of prostitution. That's why he gets paranoid and has to follow her.

4. Achara's Gift: "My work is not decoration, it's definition." Achara can "see" who people are. However, she is only allowed to read her own kind. This is why Jack gets beat down when he forces her to read him. So what does she see in Jack? He is "a leader, a great man... but this makes you lonely, and frightened, and angry..." So why does Achara not "put that on him."

5. Jack's Tat: as defined by Isabel means "He walks amongst us, but he is not one of us." Jack responds by saying, "that's what it says, but that's not what it means." It fits perfectly into his current situation as he is now among the Others, but yet, he is not one of them. Whoever they are?

6. The Zoo? The scene that had the well dressed others watching Jack in the bear cage seemed just a little too weird and a little hokey. Cindy is back though. LOST Refresher Course 101: Cindy was a Tailie who was with Ana's expedition to the otherside of the island. She was quickly and quietly taken though after hearing the whispers of the island. See "The Other 48 Days" from Season 2. She told Jack that they were there to watch. Watch what/who? I assume they were there for Juliet's tribal council (more on that in a minute), but the way she said it as she looked at Jack seemed that they were there to observe him. Emma has Cindy ask Jack how Ana Lucia is doing? A few moments later we catch a glimpse of the infamous teddy bear.

7. The Teddy Bear. I'm not really sure of its meaning just yet, but it has been seen and mentioned in several episodes. Karl even tells Kate and Sawyer that he and Alex would name the constellations, he even points to one and says that it's the "Ursa Theodorus - The Teddy Bear." More to come I'm sure.

8. Juliet was on trial for the murder of Danny Pickett. Jack obviously has feelings for Juliet. He lies and covers for her and ultimately re-bargains with Ben to save her life. When Ben's message was delievered, Juliet's sentence was commuted; her execution was off the table; the "Rules" don't apply. We already know that they are an eye for an eye people, but I would really like to see a list of these "Rules" just to understand them better. Juliet was also marked with a symbol that looks like an upside down cross with two other intersecting lines that cross the center. It almost looks very scorpion-like. My scorpion senses tell me that we will later learn the meaning of the symbol.

I think that is just about it from "Stranger..." Let's move on to the next episode. I'm just going to cut and paste.

Lost: "Tricia Tanaka Is Dead" Airdate: February 28, 2007

Hurley's dad is a deadbeat a-hole. When he left,I was thinking it could have been around the time that Cheech hooked up with Chong and went "Up In Smoke." Let's do some time-line math: Now = 2004 (It may be close to 2005 on the island now. I need a time reference). His dad left 17 years ago. That would put his exit in the year of 1987, right? So a Cheech and Chong paralell can not be drawn... not that it would fit anywhere andI don't know why I'm typing this. I think I am losing it. I shaved my head and got a tatoo last night before the show. Some sort of Chinese symbol that means "the cheese smells like my shoe." Alright, so I didn't get a tat, but I did shave my head... and I get to keep MY kids. Sorry, where was I? Even though Hugo's father was a deadbeat, he did deliver an important message (as I contradict myself): "Having hope is never stupid. In this world, you've got to make your own luck." So maybe he wasn't that bad after all. He even told Hugo to give away all of the money.

Even though it was a set-up, the Psychic/Tarrot was very spooky. Pulling the death card and knowing the "cursed" numbers: 4, 8, 15, 16, 23, 42 for those who need a refresher. Hurley's mom used the lottery winnings to lure his dad back, and I'm sure she didn't have to twist to hard. She must have told him in conversation that Hugo thought the numbers were cursed and gave him enough info to give to the psychic/tarrot reader.

Looking back, I'm pretty sure that we knew that Hurley bought Mr. Cluck's with some of his lotter winnings. He also buys the box company where Locke works/worked. I think we also knew something happened to Mr. Cluck's. I think it may have been referenced last season, but this is the first time that we saw the hit Mr. Cluck's and kill Tricia. I wonder what the meteor/asteroid line was all about? For the record (and paraphrased from Wikipedia), and asteroids are small celestial bodies that drift in the solar system in an orbit around the sun. They are also called minor planets. If you read the entire wiki entry (I just scanned it... I'm not that sad) on asteroids, you'll see that the first few minor planets discovered were assigned symbols that look a lot like the symbols on the hatch clock when the time ran out. Meteors, on the hand, are...well, I'm tired of paraphrasing: "A meteor is a meteoroid that has entered the earth's atmosphere. It will then become brightly visible due to the heat produced by the ram pressure. If a meteor survives its transit of the atmosphere to come to rest on the Earth's surface, the resulting object is called a meteorite. A meteor striking the Earth or other object may produce an impact crater." Since Mr. Cluck's is destroyed, that explains how and why we see Hurley's boss, Randy Nation(?), working as Locke's boss at the box factory.

Hey man! Peace, Love, Camaro's, VW Vans, and Three Dog Night 8-Tracks! "It's Dave. Open up man I got the stuff. Who? Dave's not here..." Sorry, another Cheech and Chong reference that has nothing to do with what I'm talking about... unless Hurley decides to light one up on the road to "Shambala." Does this mean that Hurley's "curse" is lifted and he is beginning a spiritual journey on a new path? Will this "new path" or "dirt road" that Dharma was building take him "home?" Also, because Charlie faced death head on, does this change anything? Desmond says, "It doesn't work that way." Talk amongst yourselves. ***Possible Spoiler (highlight the next few lines): I read a blurb yesterday from the writers that said that Dominic has been informed that he will not be back next season. Being the ever optomistic, it did not say he wouldn't return in season five. I know, I know, I got to let it go and take things for face value. Now the questions are: how and when will Charlie die? Will it be a season ending cliff hanger drawing us into season four where we have to wait all summer to see Charlie off'd?

(Random Thought) How long has been since we've seen Vincent? I cant remember.

Sawyer had some really good quips this episode: "Books, food, porno, and scotch;" "International House of Pancakes;" "Skeletor;" "Somebody's hooked on Phonics;" and his Little House On The Prarie reference... "I had mono..." He and Kate seem to be falling further apart, opening the door for a sloppy second reunion with Jack. Of course Jack is now hung up on Juliet.

When Kate said she was going for help, I initially thought she was going to try to find Carl and maybe Alex. As she got deeper into the jungle, Rousseau popped into my head. Crazy jungle lady become more crazy now that she know daughter alive... oogachucka... The writers can take Rousseau's character in many different directions now: she's good... she's bad...she good...she's bad...she's screwing everything up!!! Who knows which way they will go... er well, we know they are heading north.

Moving on to "Enter 77."

LOST: Enter 77 Airdate: March 3, 2007

Alas, we discover "The Flame." It's not at all what I thought. And neither is Patchy. Let's start with him.

1. Patchy: Although he lied the entire time, we will just have to assume that some of the things he said were true. He introduces himself as Mikhail Bakunin. He said that he was from Keiv and was a memeber of the Soviet Army until his military unit was decommissioned in the early 1990's. He originally said he was a member of the Dharma Initiative, but when he was discovered to be an Other, he confessed that he was never a member of the initiative, but that the rest of his story was true.

2. Ms Klugh: It's been a while since we have seen her... I think it was on the dock when they took Jack, Kate, and Sawyer. She is hiding out in the basement wired with C-4. The only reason I can think of as to why se is hiding is because she knew she would be recognized by Kate, which leads me to believe that she knew Kate and company were coming to the Flame. Locke did say that "he [Mikhail] would be expecting us." She must have been dispatched to the Flame when the "sky turned purple." I did find something interesting on Lostpedia - the translated Russian conversation between Mikhail and Klugh, see below:

Klugh: Mikhail. Mikhail! You know what to do.
Mikhail: We still have another way [out].
Klugh: We cannot risk it. You know the conditions.
Mikhail: There is another way.
Klugh: They captured us. We will not let them to get into the territory.
Klugh: You know what to do. That's an order.
Mikhail: We still have another way!
Klugh (in English): Just do it, Mikhail.
Mikhail: Forgive me. (shoots)

So...uh...what do you think the "other way out is?" Can they vaporize with a *poof* and turn into the smoke monster? Naaaaaaaaa. That's to easy and cheesy for this complex show.

3. The Purge: it really is hard to tell what is true and what is not. Because Mikhail said that "everything else is true," we can assume that the info we got on the Purge is true. Here's how I think it went down. The hostiles/Others have been on the island for a long time. Maybe some are even the decendants of the ship that crashed on the island (see the Black Rock). They learned the secrets of the island. The same secrets that brought the Dharma Initiative there. The hostiles must have given the DI a hard time. The purge was a way for the scientists to rid the island of the hostiles; however, the plan must have backfired. Those from Dharma that were left were taken hostage and brainwashed by the hostiles, who overtime became civilized and picked up were Dharma left off. I am just spouting off at the brain now. I could be way off on this one. I'm still trying to figure out how Juliet fits into this theory. She has only been on the island a short time (several years right?). She was recruited... if not by Dharma, then who? I better move on before I get way too out there.

4. Sayid: the flashbacks during this episode seemed like a waste of time. As I watched the episode over on the DVR, I would skip ahead. The only importance was that the delt with confession and forgiveness. The cat was seen in the flashbacks and at the Flame. On the island, the cat's name was Nadia. Mikhail says that she is named for Nadia Comaneci...

***More To Come When I Have More Time***

Thursday, March 15, 2007

Real Quick

I'm late... I'm late... I feel like the white rabbit. I WILL catch up on my blog during my vacation next week, provided I don't consume too much green beer in Savannah during St. Patrick's Day in Savannah. Until then, here' a few things to ponder:

Lost: "Par Avion" Airdate: March 14, 2007

1. Claire is Jack's half-sister. Her father is Jack's father. They hinted at this last season during one of Ana's flashbacks when she was running around with Dr. Shepherd, Sr. and confirmed it last night.

2. I'll have to dig deeper into last nights episode, but there is something strange about Jack's dad. All the talk about alternative means and "she's alive, but she's not living..." [paraphrased]. What the hell? Now we have to know more about who Jack's dad REALLY is. Are Claire and Jack Dharma kids? I'm just thinkin'...hmmmmmm.

3. There is a lot of buzz and speculation on the forums that Locke is an "Other." I have always stuck to my theory that he knows more than he is letting on, but I wouldn't goes as far to say he was an Other. I am pretty sure he has a hidden agenda which we will hopefully discover next episode when we find out why he was in the wheel chair. When Patchy was cut off, he was going to say ,"...the John Locke I know was paralyzed..." I about lost it when he pulls out the C-4 that he "didn't know about." I pretty sure Sayid was wondering what the hell was up. Do you think he may have learned something more from the computer chess game?

4. Desmond has taken on the persona of "Death/Grim Reaper" for Charlie and it is creeping me out. How long will they draw out Charlie impending death. I guess if something happens to Desmond or he disappears like he has before, then Charlie is a gonner.

5. Timeline: Charlie says that they have been on the island for 80 days. Flight 815 crashed on September 22, 2004. That means that it is now December 10, 2004 on the island. There is a pretty cool timeline on Lostpedia (beware of spoilers though). So what do you think will happen when they get to day 108?

That's some of the main points from this episode. I'll get into more next week when I have a chance to get caught up. I still need to touch on the security fence, the banded birds, Patchy, and a few other things. Happy St. Patrick's Day! Bottoms Up!

Thursday, March 01, 2007

Uuuuuuuuuuuuggghhhhh... I'm two episodes behind.

... I mean, I have been watching; I just haven't been blogging. This "getting settled into a new house" thing is very difficult. This is the first time that we have moved with children. It feels like our life has been turned upside down... and it has. But everything seems to be calming down and we are settling in. I am going to try to do the "two birds" with one post and catch up. Let me first appologize with a quote from Sawyer and Jin:

"I'm sorry. You were right. Those pants don't make you look fat."

Also, since I switched to Dish, I trying to figure out how to get the show from my DVR to my capture computer. Until I figure it out, I will not be able to post screen captures.

Lost: "Tricia Tanaka Is Dead" Airdate: February 28, 2007

Hurley's dad is a deadbeat a-hole. When he left,I was thinking it could have been around the time that Cheech hooked up with Chong and went "Up In Smoke." Let's do some time-line math: Now = 2004 (It may be close to 2005 on the island now. I need a time reference). His dad left 17 years ago. That would put his exit in the year of 1987, right? So a Cheech and Chong paralell can not be drawn... not that it would fit anywhere andI don't know why I'm typing this. I think I am losing it. I shaved my head and got a tatoo last night before the show. Some sort of Chinese symbol that means "the cheese smells like my shoe." Alright, so I didn't get a tat, but I did shave my head... and I get to keep MY kids. Sorry, where was I? Even though Hugo's father was a deadbeat, he did deliver an important message (as I contradict myself): "Having hope is never stupid. In this world, you've got to make your own luck." So maybe he wasn't that bad after all. He even told Hugo to give away all of the money.

Even though it was a set-up, the Psychic/Tarrot was very spooky. Pulling the death card and knowing the "cursed" numbers: 4, 8, 15, 16, 23, 42 for those who need a refresher. Hurley's mom used the lottery winnings to lure his dad back, and I'm sure she didn't have to twist to hard. She must have told him in conversation that Hugo thought the numbers were cursed and gave him enough info to give to the psychic/tarrot reader.

Looking back, I'm pretty sure that we knew that Hurley bought Mr. Cluck's with some of his lotter winnings. He also buys the box company where Locke works/worked. I think we also knew something happened to Mr. Cluck's. I think it may have been referenced last season, but this is the first time that we saw the hit Mr. Cluck's and kill Tricia. I wonder what the meteor/asteroid line was all about? For the record (and paraphrased from Wikipedia), and asteroids are small celestial bodies that drift in the solar system in an orbit around the sun. They are also called minor planets. If you read the entire wiki entry (I just scanned it... I'm not that sad) on asteroids, you'll see that the first few minor planets discovered were assigned symbols that look a lot like the symbols on the hatch clock when the time ran out. Meteors, on the hand, are...well, I'm tired of paraphrasing: "A meteor is a meteoroid that has entered the earth's atmosphere. It will then become brightly visible due to the heat produced by the ram pressure. If a meteor survives its transit of the atmosphere to come to rest on the Earth's surface, the resulting object is called a meteorite. A meteor striking the Earth or other object may produce an impact crater." Since Mr. Cluck's is destroyed, that explains how and why we see Hurley's boss, Randy Nation(?), working as Locke's boss at the box factory.

Hey man! Peace, Love, Camaro's, VW Vans, and Three Dog Night 8-Tracks! "It's Dave. Open up man I got the stuff. Who? Dave's not here..." Sorry, another Cheech and Chong reference that has nothing to do with what I'm talking about... unless Hurley decides to light one up on the road to "Shambala." Does this mean that Hurley's "curse" is lifted and he is beginning a spiritual journey on a new path? Will this "new path" or "dirt road" that Dharma was building take him "home?" Also, because Charlie faced death head on, does this change anything? Desmond says, "It doesn't work that way." Talk amongst yourselves. ***Possible Spoiler (highlight the next few lines): I read a blurb yesterday from the writers that said that Dominic has been informed that he will not be back next season. Being the ever optomistic, it did not say he wouldn't return in season five. I know, I know, I got to let it go and take things for face value. Now the questions are: how and when will Charlie die? Will it be a season ending cliff hanger drawing us into season four where we have to wait all summer to see Charlie off'd?

(Random Thought) How long has been since we've seen Vincent? I cant remember.

Sawyer had some really good quips this episode: "Books, food, porno, and scotch;" "International House of Pancakes;" "Skeletor;" "Somebody's hooked on Phonics;" and his Little House On The Prarie reference... "I had mono..." He and Kate seem to be falling further apart, opening the door for a sloppy second reunion with Jack. Of course Jack is now hung up on Juliet.

When Kate said she was going for help, I initially thought she was going to try to find Carl and maybe Alex. As she got deeper into the jungle, Rousseau popped into my head. Crazy jungle lady become more crazy now that she know daughter alive... oogachucka... The writers can take Rousseau's character in many different directions now: she's good... she's bad...she good...she's bad...she's screwing everything up!!! Who knows which way they will go... er well, we know they are heading north.

I'm going to leave it here for right now. I am getting e-mails asking if I have dropped off the face of the earth. I'll pick up later today with last weeks episode.