Saturday, January 27, 2007

Word Verification

I had to turn on Word Verification because I was getting a lot of strange spam in the comments. I hope this doesn't keep you from posting because I love to read what is on everyone else's mind when it comes to Lost.

Not to change the subject... of course I'm good at that if you ever corner me in a conversation. I'm like a freakin' ping pong match... Pro Ping Pong. Anyway, I was watching a repeat of The Office on Thursday. It was the episode that B.J. Novak wrote called "Initiation." During the episode, Dwight has Ryan captive in his family barn and is firing off questions. The last question he asks is "What is the Dharma Initiative?" I missed that quick line the first time it aired. Anyway *checking my watch* it's Saturday. So that means about a week and 1/2 away. Here we go! Here we go!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Tripp
We caught that on the Office, since it IS our favorite show, then Lost. I got a Dwight Schrute Bobble head for christmas from my husband, and he bought one for my brother.
Can't wait until LOST starts. Now that it's on later, I won't have to explain everything to my 6 year old who has been watching it with us.(hopefully she'll be in bed.)
Looking forward to your blog after the show.
February sweeps, here we come!
The cooler big sister

6:51 AM  
Blogger leighroddy said...

Hi Tripp

First of all I absolutely LOVE your blog!!!

The reason I am writing is this - have your heard that they are going to end - YES END - LOST? I just read it on SciFi's website. One of the writer's said they are looking at ending the show maybe in the 5th season.

I don't know if I can handle that! Please check into this and tell me that it isn't true. I hope this is just a way to keep people interested.


2:28 PM  
Blogger Tripp said...

Thanks for reading Leigh! Aaron and I were discussing this a few posts down. Lindelof and Cuse did say in a "round about" way that the show will end with the 2009 Season. I'll see if I can find the article from that meeting in which this was said. I think the original plan was to go about 4 seasons. Then the show became extremely popular and the network ordered more than they original planned to make. That is why we are out there in lala land now learning the back story of the Others. All they will have to do is creatively tie up a few loose ends with the current story line and "bam" we're back on the original island... black smoke and all.

I also hope that I can keep up with everything the next few weeks. We are in the middle of moving and I will be out of town the week of Valentine's. I should be able to blog from Orlando though.

4:15 PM  

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