Lost: "The Glass Ballerina" Airdate - October 11, 2006
My wife is sitting across from me screaming that Lost has "jumped the shark." And then she says she wants them to stay on the island and be like Gilligan thus destroying any further credibility in any argument she may make to back up her first statement. So Na na na na na naaaahh...
This episode could have also been called "No Soup For You," "Busted," or "Kate Has A Nice Bum." I really have no idea where to start. Let me just jump in with some of the things we learned (or might have learned if you were paying attention):
1.Time Line Check: It is Now November 29, 2004 on the island and they have been there for 69 days.
2.Benry Gale's full name is Benjamin Linus and he has lived on the island all of his life. I take it he was born there... or maybe he was manufactured there? He can also now be pegged as a voyeur because I just know he was checking out Kate in the shower. It has not been officially addressed on the show yet, but I made the assumption last episode that he and Juliet are married because they appear to be at odds with each other, just like a real couple are when they are bickering. "You never made me soup." Jealous much? To tell you the truth, after seeing Juliet burn those book club muffins, I'm not sure I would eat the soup. It could also be that they are brother and sister.
3. Sun is a pathological liar, defined below:
"Compulsive lying, or pathological lying, is a common disorder often caused by low self-esteem and a need for attention. Often, the liar does not realize how often he or she is lying because it becomes second nature. Compulsive lying alienates friends and loved ones and often brings about the opposite of what the liar wants: instead of getting the attention they often crave, they end up pushing people away. With therapy, many people can overcome their compulsion to lie and salvage their interpersonal relationships before it is too late." - healthdiaries.com
We also learn that Sun knows how to sail a boat.
4. Jin is not a murderer. I assumed last season that we might see future episodes in which he did kill somebody while doing Mr. Paik's dirty work. He let Mr. Lee live and tells him to leave the country; start a new life. A few minutes later Mr. Lee comes crashing down on Jin's car in an "apparent" suicide. Who besides me is thinking that there was someone else in Mr. Lee's room who helped him up and over the rail of the balcony. I'm envisioning a later flash back scene in which Mr. Paik walks out of the shadows in Mr. Lee's apartment. It would also ad a twist if it were Sun in the room, but Colleen says, "I know you are not a murderer," when they are ambushing the boat. I dunno, Mr. Lee was clutching the pearls he tried to give to Sun. Maybe it WAS just a suicide. You just never know with this show. We also learn that Jin understands English better than he lets on and he knows that Sayid and Sun have betrayed him.
5. Alex is back, but only for a few seconds. We find out that Kate is wearing her dress. She also asks about Carl. I wonder if my earlier theory about the other group of "Others" has some legs.
6. Kate & Sawyer: is there a real love connection there or is it all part of their plan? Sawyer kisses Kate knowing it will start a fight. He wanted to get in that scuffle on purpose to size 'em up and see who could throw down. As nice as she appears, there is something about the blonde one (Juliet) that Sawyer doesn't like. He says that she would have no problem pulling the trigger whereas the others have not seen any real action. The most important thing, though: Kate tastes like strawberries and Sawyer tastes like fish biscuits. Backtracking a little, I found out why Kate looked so sad and had cut wrists. It wasn't in the episode, but I found it in a few forums. After she left Ben on the beach, she tried to make a run for it and was roughed up a bit. She was not raped.
7. Sayid's plan was to ambush the Others as they came to the fire. He was going to kill all but two of the Others. With two survivors, one would make the other cooperate.
8. Colleen: she has been credited as a new recurring character, so she shouldn't die from the gun shot wound.
9. The Offer comes in the final five minutes."I want you to change your perspective. If you cooperate, if you trust us, we'll send you home," Ben says to Jack. I love the fact that Jack laughed when Ben says that the Red Sox won the world series. Then watching his face change as he watches the Sox on TV. He seems like he is close to breaking. Will he take the offer? All signs point to "Yes." But I bet it will be like when Lando gets involved with Jabba the Hutt's crew in order to help save Han Solo... ah hell, I'm geekin' out again...
I think that's it. The only other thing that comes to mind is the statement Juliet makes at the beginning when she learns with Ben that they have a boat. "Sailing in circles can keep them busy." Desmond ended up sailing in a big circle. I wonder why that is. Does it have something to do with the magnetism of the island?
I can't wait for the next episode. We will finally find out what happened to Desmond, Charlie, Locke, and Eko after the hatch explodes... and an old friend returns to take Locke on a spiritual journey.
This episode could have also been called "No Soup For You," "Busted," or "Kate Has A Nice Bum." I really have no idea where to start. Let me just jump in with some of the things we learned (or might have learned if you were paying attention):
1.Time Line Check: It is Now November 29, 2004 on the island and they have been there for 69 days.
2.Benry Gale's full name is Benjamin Linus and he has lived on the island all of his life. I take it he was born there... or maybe he was manufactured there? He can also now be pegged as a voyeur because I just know he was checking out Kate in the shower. It has not been officially addressed on the show yet, but I made the assumption last episode that he and Juliet are married because they appear to be at odds with each other, just like a real couple are when they are bickering. "You never made me soup." Jealous much? To tell you the truth, after seeing Juliet burn those book club muffins, I'm not sure I would eat the soup. It could also be that they are brother and sister.
3. Sun is a pathological liar, defined below:
"Compulsive lying, or pathological lying, is a common disorder often caused by low self-esteem and a need for attention. Often, the liar does not realize how often he or she is lying because it becomes second nature. Compulsive lying alienates friends and loved ones and often brings about the opposite of what the liar wants: instead of getting the attention they often crave, they end up pushing people away. With therapy, many people can overcome their compulsion to lie and salvage their interpersonal relationships before it is too late." - healthdiaries.com
We also learn that Sun knows how to sail a boat.
4. Jin is not a murderer. I assumed last season that we might see future episodes in which he did kill somebody while doing Mr. Paik's dirty work. He let Mr. Lee live and tells him to leave the country; start a new life. A few minutes later Mr. Lee comes crashing down on Jin's car in an "apparent" suicide. Who besides me is thinking that there was someone else in Mr. Lee's room who helped him up and over the rail of the balcony. I'm envisioning a later flash back scene in which Mr. Paik walks out of the shadows in Mr. Lee's apartment. It would also ad a twist if it were Sun in the room, but Colleen says, "I know you are not a murderer," when they are ambushing the boat. I dunno, Mr. Lee was clutching the pearls he tried to give to Sun. Maybe it WAS just a suicide. You just never know with this show. We also learn that Jin understands English better than he lets on and he knows that Sayid and Sun have betrayed him.
5. Alex is back, but only for a few seconds. We find out that Kate is wearing her dress. She also asks about Carl. I wonder if my earlier theory about the other group of "Others" has some legs.
6. Kate & Sawyer: is there a real love connection there or is it all part of their plan? Sawyer kisses Kate knowing it will start a fight. He wanted to get in that scuffle on purpose to size 'em up and see who could throw down. As nice as she appears, there is something about the blonde one (Juliet) that Sawyer doesn't like. He says that she would have no problem pulling the trigger whereas the others have not seen any real action. The most important thing, though: Kate tastes like strawberries and Sawyer tastes like fish biscuits. Backtracking a little, I found out why Kate looked so sad and had cut wrists. It wasn't in the episode, but I found it in a few forums. After she left Ben on the beach, she tried to make a run for it and was roughed up a bit. She was not raped.
7. Sayid's plan was to ambush the Others as they came to the fire. He was going to kill all but two of the Others. With two survivors, one would make the other cooperate.
8. Colleen: she has been credited as a new recurring character, so she shouldn't die from the gun shot wound.
9. The Offer comes in the final five minutes."I want you to change your perspective. If you cooperate, if you trust us, we'll send you home," Ben says to Jack. I love the fact that Jack laughed when Ben says that the Red Sox won the world series. Then watching his face change as he watches the Sox on TV. He seems like he is close to breaking. Will he take the offer? All signs point to "Yes." But I bet it will be like when Lando gets involved with Jabba the Hutt's crew in order to help save Han Solo... ah hell, I'm geekin' out again...
I think that's it. The only other thing that comes to mind is the statement Juliet makes at the beginning when she learns with Ben that they have a boat. "Sailing in circles can keep them busy." Desmond ended up sailing in a big circle. I wonder why that is. Does it have something to do with the magnetism of the island?
I can't wait for the next episode. We will finally find out what happened to Desmond, Charlie, Locke, and Eko after the hatch explodes... and an old friend returns to take Locke on a spiritual journey.
Leslie Says:
My favorite line of the episode, was of course "and you taste like fish biscuit." There is just something funny about fish biscuit, just like last week.
There was a lot of tension when Ben was talking to Juliet and then, what's her name Rebecca (the one who eventually gets shot on the boat) when she walks in, "Am I interrupting anything?" boy was she snotty....
Anyway, the pologamy and or utopian society thing is sounding more and more true. Rebecca kissed that "head outside guy, second in command or something to Zeke", I think his name was Denny.
Everytime one of these people talk to the losties, it sound like a bunch of psycho mumbo jumbo.
Rebecca to Sun: "That's not my decision to make" "I can't do that"
Ben to Jack: "that is all I'm able to tell you right now..."
and they all talk in that quiet monotone soothing voice (like it's gonna help...? they all sound wacked out to me...
It's like they never give them a straight answer, nobody is asking questions, like Michael said before "Who are you people?"
Why? why? why?, what? where?, oh my head is spinning.
Oh my original reason for blogging today was that After Sun's Dad walked away from her at the cheating dude's funeral, he had a big gash on the side of his neck, like he was in some sort of struggle a day or two before the funeral. When the dude hit the car, Tony my hubby said immediately, that the Dad did it, the Dad knew Jin couldn't kill, so he hid in the shawdows until jin left then he and the bald dude had it out.hence the dead dude on the car..
Looking forward to next week to finally find out what's up with the hatchies...Locke Ecko, Charlie, and Desmond.
According to "previews" Desmonds underwear was blown off... yowza!
Oh and why on earth would they leave Sun on the boat all alone, how stupid!!!
Valice- Out!
Hey Tripp - I love your Lost blogs! I just sit and enjoy the show then listen to what theory everyone else has. Its great!
I was wondering if anyone else caught the Benry called Rebecca "honey" right before she climbed up the stairs...when he said he wanted the boat. Maybe I heard wrong...
Hey Tripp, love your lost blog :)
I did a google on "Benjamin Linus" and came up with 2 websites as sponsors on google.com
I wonder if it has anything to do with who Ben really is..
Did anyone but me and Aaron that there was a man coming out of the bushes while Sawyer was watching Kate work? I can't exactly remember where it was but it was before he kissed her. If you still have it on tivo, go back and watch it. Kind of creepy. Sawyer didn't notice him either.
(Aaron's wife and Leslie's sister-in-law)
I had one hunch about Sun's dad. What is he is connected with the bad guys in the Hanso Foundation, like Thomas Mittelwerk (sp?) ???
Any guesses on the details of the reason why Sun and Jin ended up in Australia?? Or do we already know that (except for me)??
Thanks a lot Jill... I have now watched that scene more than the Warren Commission watched the Zapruder film.
There is a man walking out from the bushes behind Kate & Sawyer, but I don't think it is anything more than a back ground extra. Maybe he is an overzealous wanna-be actor who positioned himelf in front of the camera to get some body time so he could prove to Auntie Margaret back in Nebraska that he really was on a hit TV show.
It actually looks like he is picking berries during one point in that scene.
I think the Red Sox winning the Series worked out great for the Lost writers. If you'll remember, there was a phrase that Jack's dad said about the Red Sox and the World Series. Something like, "yeah and the Red Sox will never win the WS" or "that's why the RS will never win the WS." (There was also an exchange with Jack & Sawyer when Jack said that phrase, I think it rang a bell with Sawyer that he had heard it before - he had. Jack's dad said it to him in the bar.)
Anyway, I think seeing that on tv had more of an affect on him than it would on any other character. (Just my 2 cents!)
Also, I think the Others are trying to recruit Kate like a "double agent" or something. I think that's why she looked so sad - she knows what's coming or what's going to happen to Sawyer. I think she knows something very bad will be happening. Just my thoughts!!
Sorry Tripp. I thought you of all people would have picked up on the guy the first time when you watched it.
Maybe you are right with it being an extra and an editing error.
We will see if he comes back.
I think I found an answer to my own question about Sun's father, who is Mr. Paik. Maybe you guys already know this, but I didn't .
I took a stroll over to Lostpedia and read about the last 2 episodes, to see what I missed. Love this website!!!
Anyway, Mr. Paik's company, called Paik Heavy Industries, IS associated with the Hanso Foundation. Here's a link to the page. Also, there's a link within this page to another page on Mr. Paik. This connection is referenced in the Lost Experience ( I never got too far into that, though I wanted to.)
I love the Theories section on the episode pages in Lostpedia. Though they are just theories - there is usual some associated evidence!
OK - well, can't wait for tonight's episode! Enjoy!
Tara said that Ben called Colleen 'honey' when she was walking up the stairs. Actually i think he called her 'Colly' or something short for Colleen. Anyway it looks like she and Pickett are married/ in love.
What is the point of Kate and Sawyer clearing those rocks? Are the Others trying to find something buried e.g. a hatch, or are they just making work for them? and if they are why?
I've heard some stuff about mind manipulation and brain washing. I've heard that you need to wear someone down physically and at the same time build them up mentally - could be why Kate has the dress.
When Ben went in to see Jack, he said "If i had told you i was one of those people you've been calling Others all this time..." Sounds like he wanted to tell Jack who he was, but was too afraid of what they'd do to him. Was he looking for Jack when he was caught in Rousseau's trap?
I thought it was sooooo funny when Ben and Jack were discussing the match when the Red Sox won - it's true that all men think way too much about sport. But it wasn't as funny as the whole fish biscuit thing.
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