Lost: "A Tale of Two Cities" Airdate - October 4, 2006
...hang on...I need a tissue...my eyes are still watering... I can't believe October 4th is finally here... talk amongst yourselves... Ok, I'm ready.
I'm re-watching the season three premiere as I type. I guess I'll go in chronological order, but I really want to jump in and ask the big questions: What will happen over the next Two Weeks? How is it that Juliet has a file of Jack's life and can basically tell him anything he wants to know? And why is Kate so sad when she is brought to the cage opposite Sawyer? Did Fenry(we now know his name is Ben) tell her that he hooked up with Ana? I guess I can try to answer those in a little while. Let's start at the beginning.
I think I'm a little over excited and digging way too deep again, but as Juliet grabs the Petula Clark CD and plays "Downtown," I recognized the inside CD cover. I think it's the sleeve for the Talking Heads "Speaking In Tongues" album.
Link to Talking Heads cover art
Is that important? Probably not. Also, Petula Clark is still alive. Most of the songs that were played during season two had to do with artists who were dead or had disappeared as was the case with Glenn Miller, and we just happen to hear "Moonlight Serenade" (again) on Jack's car radio. We heard it last season on the radio that Sayid and Hurley hooked up and ol' Hugo drops a "lost in time" reference.
The book club is discussing a Stephen King novel. Adam is pretty adamant (no pun intended) that it is "religious hokum pokem science fiction without a metaphor" trash. Something that is said during this quick conversation leads me to believe that Ben and Juliet are married. There have been a lot of rumors claiming that Jack will find a new love interest this season and the most likely candidate will be Juliet. Will this be what sets Benry off?
Anyway, the book title is never mentioned, but if I had to guess, I'd say it was "The Stand." It's about the final battle of good and evil, and a plague that wipes out most of the earth is part of the story line. However, as I check some of the forums, many are saying that the Stephen King book is "Carrie." Yep. I just saw some hi-def captures and it is "Carrie." Juliet also makes a comment about free will actually existing... but we all know that Ben is the one in charge, and they all seem to fear him.
Seeing Flight 815 from the perspective of the Others was incredible. I had heard that the first five minutes would be an opening similar to that of season two. I thought we might see a mystery perspective of the Others taking Jack, Kate, and Sawyer, or another perspective of the hatch explosion. I had no idea that they would rewind it all the way back to September 22, 2004. And where was Ben coming from when they all went outside after the earthquake? Is their utopian society based on polygamy? I'm just throwing it out there folks. As I watched, it seemed Ben and Juliet may have been having some marital problems, if in fact they are married.
After the Others kidnap Kate, Jack & Sawyer, they split 'em up. Jack is in another Dharma Initiative facility, The Hydra Station. Supposedly it's an underwater hatch with a purpose of studying Sharks and Dolphins. I swear I read over the summer that Lindelof and Cuse said that there was no underwater hatch. Actually, I still have the transcript from their appearance at Comicon - 11 a.m.: Cuse and Lindelof deny the existence of an "underwater hatch." Was this meant to throw us off? Or do they want Jack to "think" he is under water? Hmmmmmmm. They also drew blood from Jack's arm.
I couldn't make out everything that was said through the "broken" intercom, but I'm sure everyone got the "Let it go Jack," which seems to be the theme of Jack's life based on what we saw in the flashback which I will get to later. I don't get the repo man story, unless he was doing the same thing Henry...er...Ben was doing when he was captured... telling lies.
Kate wakes up in a locker room with a shower running. It's here that we discover that Kate is not Mr. Friendly's "type." Who the hell is his type? Should we jump in and assume now? They also took blood from Kate.
The whole "wear this" thing was a little creepy, but she looks smokin' hot in that dress btw and the bacon and eggs are making my stomach growl. I may be making a Waffle House run tonight. On the beach Ben makes her feel comforted and civilized and then drops the Two Weeks bomb. "The next two weeks are going to be very unpleasant." Unpleasant just for Kate? Or for all of them? I smell some re-programming coming on.
The beach hut scene totally reeked of "The Silence of The Lambs." "Hello Clarice...I'm having an old friend for dinner..."
Ben even alludes to the possible Kate/Sawyer relationship that should happen this season. What do you think they did to Kate between the beach and the cage. Her wrists were really torn up from the cuffs.
They would not have gotten that way from eating a lite breakfast on the beach. And she had a very sad look on her face.
Sawyer added some great comic relief in the episode as he tried to figure out the sequence to get some food. "What? You've got more important things to do?" he ask Carl.
But I think it was Mr. Friendly who had the line of the night with, "You got yourself a fish biscuit."
I guess the big question here is, who the hell is Carl?
And why is he locked up? Another good question would be, where the hell are the bears? And do they happen to be polar bears? Sawyer gets zapped pretty good by Juliet, and I don't think they showed a close up of his arm with a cotton ball and band-aid on it. Did they not need or want Sawyers blood? Then why was he taken?
What we learned in the last few minutes:
1. Jack is in an "under water" hatch called the Hydra. (Supposedly)
2. The Others were "left over" from the Dharma Initiative which was a long time ago.
3. "It doesn't matter who we were, it only matters who we ARE." This is much bigger than just the Others. This could very well be the underlying theme of the entire show(or even life itself). Let it go Jack... just let it go.
4. They have Jack's (and probably everyone else's) entire life on file. This is very "St. Peters Gate," even though the whole purgatory theory was shot down in the first season.
5. I think we knew this, but just to reiterate, Jack is a spinal surgeon based out of St. Sebastions Hospital in Los Angeles.
6. Jack is beginning to finally "let it go" as he comes to terms with his personal demons.
7. "Look on the bright side. Now you have something to fix." (Himself)
8. Juliet seemed a little pissed at Ben. Was it because he was going to let Jack kill her...or is it just the book club thing?
I haven't even gotten to the flashbacks yet. It's getting late so let me see if I can sum it up quickly. Jack's obsessed with finding out who his wife is seeing on the side...even though she is divorcing him. So obsessed that he has forgotten who he is. He's even ignoring his job... he finished a year before everyone else at medical school, so his job should have been important to him. Jack seems sure that his dad is sleeping with Sarah. Christian has been sober for 50 days, but if I heard the dialog at the end correctly, the little incident at the AA meeting drove his dad to start drinking again. Can I assume that this is when he heads to Australia?
I am so glad that the new season is underway. I'm still a little peeved at the schedule: five more episodes, then a 13 week hiatus until it picks back up during February sweeps to finish out the season. I better get to bed. I have watched it twice already and think I touched on everything. Let me know if you saw something that I may have missed.
Oh, here's a few more pictures that I captured:
Is there a Dharma logo burned into the grilled cheese?... uh...nevermind.
I thought we might get something new from this picture, but I don't see anything out of the ordinary.
It seems Ben and Juliet perhaps could be estranged husband and wife or brother and sister, they just seemed "peeved" with each other, and she really didn't seem like she wanted to be there. Like she was just following orders, begrudgingly. (Spelling??)
I'm guessing Mr. friendly "Zeke" perhaps might be gay, if Kate's not his type then, "WHO IS?"
Looking forward to all of your blogs this season.
Aaron's Sister
It's finally here! Season 3!! It just sucks that they're taking that long hiatus. I guess it's better than a week here, a week there, a repeat here, a repeat there.
Just going through your blog and came up with a few comments/quips for you and your readers:
Kate does appear to be sad when she gets to the cage across from Sawyer. My guess is that she's sad because she knows that something terrible is happening over the next 2 weeks. Whether or not it happens to JUST her remains to be seen.
My question is...why put Sawyer and Kate in cages, and leave Jack in the shark/dolphin tank? Perhaps Jack will join them in a cage of his own later?
Good call on the Talking Heads insert art! I looked it up this morning and sure enough, there it is!
How on earth did you recognize that? Oh wait, you're a music junkie....sent to us from 1985. Gotcha. I guess they don't organize their CD's properly. A Petula Clark disc in a Talking Heads jewel case? Shame, shame, shame, on you, OTHERS!!
I agree that a logical story line would be to have Juliet gain a romatic interest in Jack and vice versa. And since it IS so logical, that means they won't do it. =) However, if it does, and Ben (Fenry) and Juliet ARE, in fact, estranged husband & wife, that will make for EXCELLENT story line between Jack & Ben.
It was cool to see Ethan & Goodiwn receive their instructions from Ben after they all came out of their bungalo's. It gave a little insight as to how & why the lists were made. Still though, many questions about the "WHY" of all of this. WHY did they take the children? WHY didn't they take everyone? WHY did they take who they did? etc..
Do we trust Juliet? Is she truly one of the good ones? Is she "good" like Alex was good? Or "good" like Ben said when Michael asked him "Who are you people?"
"We're the good guys, Michael."
Since I only watched it once last night (I know...what kind if fan am I?), I couldn't tell if they took blood from Sawyer or not, but assuming they did, why take blood from any of them?
"Wear this" written on masking tape was creepy, but the result was quite nice...but still creepy. She did look smokin' hot in that dress, but I maintain she could wear a burlap sack and still look good.
I believe the "next two weeks" will be unpleasant for ALL three of them...not just Kate. However, it looks as if the rest of the gang (Sayid, Jin, et al) are on their way to try to rescue them. We'll see if that works. The Others are smart, well armed, and know that island like their own back yard (a back yard with Polar Bears, secret hatches, and a puff of black smoke that stares at you). My guess is they have NO luck in rescuing them, and become the next ones to be held captive by the others.
Kates wrists really did get tore up by the cuffs. At first I thought it was just because she HAD the handcuffs on...but they deliberately made Mr. Friendly say something about it. They wouldn't have done that if it didn't have any signifigance. I wonder if they were just defensive? I'm sure we'll find out soon enough.
Dominic (Charlie) was on Regis & Kelly a couple days ago, and they actually showed the scence when Sawyer is trying to figure out the food retrieval system in the cage. Not sure if you saw that, but that scene had been edited down for the broadcast last night. There were a few more lines, and a few more attempts at getting the mechanism to work that didn't make the air.
Who the hell is Carl? Whoever he is, he's been there for a while. He knew that the machine would shock Sawyer, and had already devised a plan to get his ass out of there. The only thing that contradicts that is the fact that he's clean shaven. Sawyer has been in the woods for quite some time, and it shows with that 5 o'clock shadow of his. Carl, on the other hand, looks pretty clena cut. Is he a plant? Was he put there to mess with Sawyer? Where did they take him after he apologized to Sawyer? Carl might be the new "Henry". Chew on that.
I wonder what that fish biscuit tastes like?
"It doesn't matter who we were, it only matters who we ARE". Heavy stuff...I agree with you, though. This may be the basis of the entire show. Locke even said it once before to Kate: "It doesn't matter who we were before we got here..." or something along those lines.
I'm pretty sure there were no Dharma impressions on that grilled cheese sandwich, but I'm sure some LOST maniac is making a DHARMA GRILLED CHEESE SANDWICH MAKER right now. Keep an eye on eBay for that one.
That's all I've got for now. Take it easy!!
Welcome back Leslie! Good to have you back on board for another season.
My first guess was that Mr. Friendly is gay, but what if the Others are celebit? Lets say for the sake of argument that they were chemically castrated so that there would be no sexual urges or tension between them. That could explain why they took the kids. They could also procreate through scientific means when they needed to using DNA... naaaaaaa... *reeling myself back in*
Maybe the "not my type" line is a reference to the fact that Kate is a murderer and feels no remorse for what she has done in the past. Something tells me that she will come to terms with what she has done over the next few weeks...or rather Two Weeks.
Are the Others a religious people? There is a line that Adam says during the book club argument claiming that the Stephen King book is "religious hokem pokem..." as if he doesn't have respect for organized religion. From what we have seen so far, the Others are scientists. Maybe through their experiments that have found spiritual nirvana and finally merged religion and science.
We will be finding out much more about The Others as this season progresses and the protaganists become the antagonists. They are going to "flip da script" on us.
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Oh... as I was typing my last entry Aaron popped in. Welcome back. Not that you went anywhere.
Oh, and I recognized the Talking Heads album sleeve because it's one of my favorite albums. I am wondering if they were going to use "This Must Be The Place" in the opening sequence, but couldn't get David Byrne to release it to them.
The Others seem way to organized to have misfiled a CD... but then again, they are only human... aren't they?
Hey Tripp,
I think Mr. Friendly is gay. Because I have heard that term used before (and it was because someone was gay)
All this episode did was confuse me even more. Can't wait for the next one.
I guess we are all going to be confused until they finally tie everything together. Then we will be like, "Oooooooooohhhhhh... I get it now."
Mr. Friendly being gay would be the obvious and this show usually doesn't go for the obvious. There will probably be a ton of posts in the different forums claiming that he is gay and then the writers will address it in another epsiode by introducing us to Zeke's wife who doesn't want him to go running off into the woods again. We'll see. I'll accept that he's gay when he is finally outed.
Just a couple of ideas and perceptions...
As far as the taking of the blood issue - wasn't it said about "the drug that we injected into you" (maybe to Jack or Kate, can't remember)?? So, I thought the bandages on their arms were from the Others giving them whatever drug they gave them. But, they could have take blood from Jack, Kate, and Sawyer also. I thought they had given them some drug to knock them out so they (Others) could transport them wherever they wanted to.
As far as Carl goes, here's an idea. Remember the whole thing about how the Others wanted to capture kids for some unknown (?) reason, especially kids like Walt with special psychic-type powers?? Carl looked young enough where he could have been one of those kids that got older. To me, he looked around 16. So, just an idea. Maybe he was more clean-shaven because he wasn't that old.
Got to download it from iTunes and watch it several more times.
If anyone has any more things to look for as far as clues, please post them here. As you have been. Very helpful.
I wonder when we're going to find out more about the Widmores??
Lots to think about from this episode. The only thing that I have to add is this: Juliette told Jack that he needed to eat and drink b/c if he got dehydrated he could hallucinate. Perhaps the whole opening the door and the flood of water was a hallucination and never even happened.
Just a thought I had.
Looking forward to next week,
Lisa Kay
That's an interesting and very plausible thought. Juliet was dry when she brings him the grilled cheese, but we really don't know how much time had passed. I'm going to have to wacth it again.
Also, I watched the bonus stuff this morning on ABC.com/Lost... you can access it if you have an American Express card...I really didn't get much from it. The only thing that stuck out was they made sure they said Jack was in an "aquarium" and not an underwater hatch. I'm still thinking its some sort of above ground facility in which they can study under water life, more specifically sharks and dolphins. I could be wrong.
Jack will be in there at least for a few episodes, because I have seen a picture floating around that shows a little girl in that room with him. I'm not sure if she is in the flesh, a halucination, or some sort of projection. Will she be the "Walt" of Season 3? I don't want to get to far ahead of myself.
Just so you don't think I'm off my rocker, here the link to a pic with Jack and the little girl.
This picture is credited as coming from "A Tale of Two Cities." Did they totally scrub this part? maybe they did. I had read some things about a little girl showing up in this season.
Here's something that I proposed in an e-mail. I thought that I had addressed it here, but I'm having a hard time remembering what I have posted here and what I have posted in e-mail exchanges. Anyway, I just thought this was interesting: Benry appears in several scenes in a very ghostlike manner. What if Ben is the one in charge because he posesses a psychic ability that allows him to project himself and everyone fears him because he is very powerful? Maybe Ben was in the 1985 hatch accident and as a result ended up with this ability. And here's the big theory that I'm trying to put together: what if his "projection" is the black smoke monster? Lindelof and Cuse said that we would find out more about the smoke this season. Just some food for thought for the weekend.
my favorite line 2nd to the "You got yourself a fish biscuit", was that "it only took the bears 2 hours". Very clever Mr. Friendly aka Zeke
the link i've copied here is a picture of Sawyer on the ground in his new cage, he has a band aid on his arm, hardly noticable, but it's there. I don't know how to link stuff but you'll be able to find it, you ARE the guru of the internet.
Aaron's sister
I was looking at a screenshot of the plane breaking apart and it looks like the plane is trailed by the black smoke. Take a look. It doesn't look like the plane is on fire, so i doubt it is smoke from fire.
The crossword puzzle in the picture of Jack's hospital badge, has some sort of criss-cross, (the smaller one)looks like the answers from the previous puzzle or something like that. If you connect the corners with the criss-cross it looks like it could form the Dharma Symbol. Just a thought. :)
Can't wait til the next episode. I'm having a hard time sleeping, thinking about this stinkin' show!
And just in the interest of running the "is Mr. Friendly gay" idea into the ground, I'd like to add my vote to the No column.. For one thing it's just way too easy, for another too obvious, and of course obvious and easy don't really show up in the Lost routine too often. I've got a feeling when we do find out just what he was alluding to it won't be anything quite so obvious as "gay" (maybe "human"?).
Not that there would be anything wrong with that.
"I was looking at a screenshot of the plane breaking apart and it looks like the plane is trailed by the black smoke. Take a look. It doesn't look like the plane is on fire, so i doubt it is smoke from fire."
I have watched this scene frame by frame... I know I have no life... but it looks to me like the smoke is coming from the engine which broke away from the plane. What I was looking for was the "phantom" that shows up in the Pilot epsiode of season one and pushes the guy into the engine. I didn't see the phantom and it really did look like the smoke was coming from the engine.
I was just on Lostpedia reading about "Glass Ballerina" - and there is some detail out there about our friend Karl (oooh, a "K", like in Marx).
So, go to www.lostpedia.com and do a search on "Karl". There are theories about him, of course. Very interesting.
I think Ben and Juliet were lovers once, but have split up now (just before the 815 crash). Juliet was looking really upset when the episode started, and i think she chose the Stephen King book because she knew Ben would get pissed off about it.
Slightly random point, but if Ben hates Stephen King so much, why did he ask Jack and Locke if they had any books by him when he was locked up in the hatch? It could have been trying to make himself seem more modern and normal - more likely to have only been on the Island 4 months.
Also in the next episode Ben says "you never made soup for me" suggesting that whatever they had together was in the past.
Random thoughts:
Karl already knew about plane crash and losties beach camp - he was asking Sawyer about them. Does this mean he is one of the Others, or some kind of psychic or just saw the plane crash?
The voice on the intercom in the aquarium i THINK is Jack's dad. The voice says 'let it go Jack' which is what he told Jack in a flashback. Whoever it was also said something else - i'm trying to work it out.
The Others said they had Jack's whole life on file, but the stuff Juliet said could probably have come from Ethan. Also, assuming they have everyone's life on file, why did they ask Michael all those questions about Walt in Three Minutes?
Random thoughts:
Karl already knew about plane crash and losties beach camp - he was asking Sawyer about them. Does this mean he is one of the Others, or some kind of psychic or just saw the plane crash?
The voice on the intercom in the aquarium i THINK is Jack's dad. The voice says 'let it go Jack' which is what he told Jack in a flashback. Whoever it was also said something else - i'm trying to work it out.
The Others said they had Jack's whole life on file, but the stuff Juliet said could probably have come from Ethan. Also, assuming they have everyone's life on file, why did they ask Michael all those questions about Walt in Three Minutes?
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