Monday, October 02, 2006

Crunch Time, Baby!!!!

The season three premiere of LOST is now just hours away... ok so it's still a few days away, but I like to round up since I'm a glass half full kind of guy. I'm a little confused about the first episode though. All summer everything I read about this first show said that it would be Kate-centric. Well, I'm standing in line at Kroger last night and picked up this weeks TV Guide. Josh Holloway is on the cover with a big bold LOST across the front. Anyway, I'm reading the "Sneak Peek" spoilers and it says that this first episode is all about Jack. Huh? Here's what it says: (**Spoiler Alert** Highlight at your own risk)

"Jack will lose it in flashbacks when he suspects wife Sarah of having an affair with his boozin' dad."

I'm going to log off and check out some of the spoiler boards and show websites. I doubt it , but maybe TV Guide has gotten a head of themselves? They are usually on the money with the show synopsis though. I'll be back later.


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