Lost: "The Glass Ballerina" Preview
I have been doing some reading as I get ready for Wednesday night because I couldn't drag myself away from this show if my life depended on it. Here's a little of what to expect: (mostly from TV Guide)
Sayid has a plan to find Jack, but it's going to endanger Sun & Jin. Kate and Sawyer are forced to work in harsh conditions (maybe penance for their sins? possibly? hmmm?)while Ben (Henry Gale for those haven't caught up yet)makes Jack...*insert best Brando impression here* an offer he can't refuse.
Also, Alex (Rousseau's daughter) is back in this episode. I have been wanting to learn more about her; more specifically, exactly why she doesn't seem to want to "go along" with the Others and what their mission is. From what we have learned, she was taken from Rousseau as a baby. You would think that being raised in that environment would have programmed her to think a certain way, the way of the Others. However, she seems to be in the role of a rebel. Maybe she and Carl had something going on, discovered what the Others were really up to, and are trying to get out...where ever out is. Maybe Carl took the heat for Alex when she helped Claire escape and that's how he ended up in the cage. OR... this just popped into my head, I talked about the possibilty of there being two groups of Others many times during season two. I have read that this theory was addressed in the video podcast and that Lindelof and Cuse stated that there are two groups of others. What if the children have their own camp somewhere else on the island and they are living some sort of "Children of The Corn," meets "Animal Farm," meets Peter Pan's Lost Boys kind of lifestyle. That would be wierd. Uh oh, this is turning into more of my own commentary rather than just a quick show synopsis. Let me get back to my original thought.
According to a few sites that I recently visited, we should meet a new recurring character in this episode. Colleen (played by Paula Malcolmson)is said to be tough with obvious military training.
As far as the flashbacks, this episode is reported to be Sun/Jin-centric.
Here's the ABC promo:
Sayid has a plan to find Jack, but it's going to endanger Sun & Jin. Kate and Sawyer are forced to work in harsh conditions (maybe penance for their sins? possibly? hmmm?)while Ben (Henry Gale for those haven't caught up yet)makes Jack...*insert best Brando impression here* an offer he can't refuse.
Also, Alex (Rousseau's daughter) is back in this episode. I have been wanting to learn more about her; more specifically, exactly why she doesn't seem to want to "go along" with the Others and what their mission is. From what we have learned, she was taken from Rousseau as a baby. You would think that being raised in that environment would have programmed her to think a certain way, the way of the Others. However, she seems to be in the role of a rebel. Maybe she and Carl had something going on, discovered what the Others were really up to, and are trying to get out...where ever out is. Maybe Carl took the heat for Alex when she helped Claire escape and that's how he ended up in the cage. OR... this just popped into my head, I talked about the possibilty of there being two groups of Others many times during season two. I have read that this theory was addressed in the video podcast and that Lindelof and Cuse stated that there are two groups of others. What if the children have their own camp somewhere else on the island and they are living some sort of "Children of The Corn," meets "Animal Farm," meets Peter Pan's Lost Boys kind of lifestyle. That would be wierd. Uh oh, this is turning into more of my own commentary rather than just a quick show synopsis. Let me get back to my original thought.
According to a few sites that I recently visited, we should meet a new recurring character in this episode. Colleen (played by Paula Malcolmson)is said to be tough with obvious military training.
As far as the flashbacks, this episode is reported to be Sun/Jin-centric.
Here's the ABC promo:
Thanks for the info, Tripp. Though I'm always a bit reluctant to read anything about what's coming, preferring it all to be fresh, surprising, etc. Too late.
Any thoughts on that "look" that Jack and Kate shared at the end of last season's final episode? I can't imagine what kind of plan they might have concocted that would be of any use to them in this situation. Or was it maybe just a "don't worry everything will be fine I'm here" kind of look?
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