Monday, July 31, 2006

New Character

While I was hoping the show would create a place for "Rachel Blake" (star of The Lost Experience Alternate Reality Game) because I think she really sexy (she's a MySpace friend and may be reading this right now so I'm obligated to say she really is), USA Today reports that Elizabeth Mitchell (ER) will be joining the cast of LOST this fall.

Of course, mums the word as far as Lindelof and Cuse are concerned, but they did say she would play the character of "Juliet." The Holywood Reporter speculates that "Juliet" could be a potential love interest for Jack. Really? Hmmmmm? What would become of the love triangle? I look forward to the intertwined story lines of "JaKatEr." Will the triangle become a square? Or does this mean that Kate and Sawyer will finally "do the deed." If you read the post about the LOST panel, Cuse does say that Kate will "get with" someone on the island soon.

Also, just so I am not wasting too much time when we are finally introduced to "Juliet," I have compared her picture to the one of Desmond and Penny. She does look similar. Maybe she is Penny's "twin?" Is the "Good Twin/Bad Twin" still a valid theory?

As I was discussing this new character with a few people in the studio today, the big question? Where does she come from? The most obvious answer would be she is an Other. You have to keep in mind too that they turned off the magnet at the end of Season 2 making the island "visible" and possibly causing another crash be it plane, boat, balloon or whatever. It will be interesting to see how they introduce "Juliet."

More as I find it! Later!


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